I am Lic. Maximiliano Contieri.
I have a master in Computer Science at Universidad de Buenos Aires.
I've been working on Software for about 25 years and been teaching at University at the same time.
I like Agile methodologies and object-oriented software design.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Tech Articles, TDD
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Programming
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Software Desing, teaching, Singleton extinction 👺
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Mentoring, Object Oriented Design
- 💬 Ask me about OOP, TDD, BDD
- 📫 How to reach me: twitter.com/mcsee1
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- Code Smell 288 - Unthrown Exceptions
- Code Smell 287 - Unused Local Assignment
- Refactoring 022 - Extract Common Ancestor
- Explain in 5 Levels of Difficulty: Quantum Computing
- Code Smell 286 - Overlapping Methods
- I am a senior software engineer specializing in backend object-oriented languages and high-level domain problems.
- Declarative Software supporter and Agile Methodologies Enthusiast - eXtreme Programming, Scrum, Kanban and Agile Techniques supporter.
- I love teaching software design and software engineering processes. I have been teaching S.O.L.I.D design and software design techniques for over 20 years and I continue to enjoy it and learn new things weekly.
- I Regularly write about software design on Hashnode, HackerNoon, dev.to and Medium.
- I Have solid experience on Bots, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.
- Also a QA Fan: Automated Testing, Test Driven Development, Defect root cause analysis, Mutation Testing, coverage and architecture design, Defects Reduction. Former QA Director. Not my present interest.
- Capable of managing small interdisciplinary teams focused on quality and delivery. Learning soft skills on Linkedin Courses to reduce my formal education gaps on Peopleware.
- Try to code a few hours a day and love high level languages (PHP, Python, Javascript, Smalltalk)
- Founded three startups in the past. Not my current goal.
- English fluent speaker and writer. Report to the company's CEO in English.
- Not keen on Specific Algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Low Level Languages at all. Those days are over. We are in the 2020s, not the 70s. So I keep myself away from C, C++, C#, and specially Golang.
- Not suitable for: Premature Optimization, Gold Plating, Code Hacking and Ninja Coding.
- Not the Fireman guy. I like robust and evolutionary quality software.
- I'm not very strong on Low Level Business Logic. There are much better candidates at it.
- Front End Languages, Visual Styling decisions and everything related to UIs should be made by more suited people than myself.
- Been a CTO for some years. Now I prefer working in depth with a stack (any) instead or dealing with lots of different technologies.