This is a collection of different scripts I have created for different purposes, or solving different problems. Most of them will be in the context of AWS.
- - This deletes EBS volumes which are in the 'available' state. It also checks against a single tag, and if a volume has that tag, the volume will not be deleted.
checkInt.ps1 - This is a PowerShell script that polls the status of a NIC card on a Windows 2k12 server via UserData in CloudFormation. This can be used when a NIC card is not stabilizing fast enough and CloudFormation fails and rollsback due to the NIC card not initializing fast enough.
- - Boto3 - Lists all S3 buckets, as well as all of their objects (up to the 1000 boto3 limit).
JoinDomain.ps1 - Joins a Windows server to an AD domain, allowing you to specify the Server's Name as a parameter.