This major release integrated DAFoam and OpenMDAO for multidisciplinary design optimization through the Mphys interface.
- Developed an interface (mphys/mphys_dafoam.py) to Mphys and OpenMDAO for multidisciplinary design optimization. (6d24104)
- Update the dependencies' version. Check the new installation guide from here
- Add a findFeasibleDesign function to find the initial design variables to produce a feasible design before the optimization. This is an extension of the solveCL function and can handle more than one design variable and constraint (1889f5f)
- Fixed a bug in the mesh quality function. Now we can do optimization with a mesh quality constraint to avoid having poor mesh quality during the optimization. (995a580)
- Made the setOption more flexible in setting dicts. Now we can set the value in a dict one wants to update using the setOption function, without the need to use the entire dict. (995a580)
- Added an option to run low order primal for computing the Krylov solver preconditioner. (6d83cf6)