The goal of extractdem is to extract values from the REMA Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica, and maybe other DEMs if this works.
You don’t want to do this.
To use this do the following:
- fork this repository
- enable Actions in the fork, click on *Actions” and confirm ok, but also click on “get-data” and confirm that too
- delete the output Parquet “longlat_points_dem.parquet”, write your own “longlat_points.parquet”, commit the new parquet (it’s important that you have deleted the output Parquet and commit that change)
- push your changes to your fork, the action will generate the output Parquet ‘longlat_points_dem.parquet’ in your fork
Please note that the extractdem project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.