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Model Registry Server

The Model Registry is a repository for trained machine learning models (checkpoints) and datasets. For every item (model\dataset), the registry stores information (metadata) about the training job used to create the model, hyperparameter values and performance metrics. These values allow for simple comparison of models\datasets. Each model\dataset stored in the registry is assigned a unique identifier and a list of versions.

The Model Registry is developed using Node JS and MongoDB.

In order to use the registry, you need a valid account (username and password) and an online server running the service ({{url}}) Ask [email protected] to get a valid account and a server URL.

The file registry.postman_collection.json contains examples of calls for the PostMan tool

Quick start

Clone code and run the container

git clone registry

copy the variables.env (for docker variablesTemplateDocker.env see Deploy):

cd registry/init/
sudo cp variablesTemplate.env variables.env

to start server: (inside registry folder)

cd ..
docker-compose up -d --build

to see logs:

sudo docker logs registry

to update the registry:

sudo docker kill $(sudo docker ps -q)
sudo docker system prune -a
cd ~/registry
sudo git pull
sudo docker-compose up -d --build

to get info:

sudo docker exec -it registry pm2 show registry 


It is possible to get information about routes and data models from the following route:



The Model Registry introduces a few concepts that describe and facilitate the full lifecycle of a ML model or dataset:

  • Model: an ML model created from an experiment, to be registered on the system
  • Dataset: a dataset used to train models
  • Version: each registered model\dataset can have many versions, which is a specific file (e.g. a .onxx file for a model, a .zip file for a dataset)
  • Metadata: a list of name-value pairs that can be used to annotate models and datasets, including training condition, algorithm descriptions, hyperparameters employed and any relevant information useful for a user in applying a model or using a dataset
  • Tag: labels that can be used to categorize models/datasets



The Model Registry supports multitenancy (a single instance runs on a server and serves multiple tenants). Tenants are managed by the super user of the system. At startup, the Model Registry has a default tenant.

To create a new tenant:

POST {{url}}/v1/tenants/

    "_id": "registry-tenat-test",
    "organization": "Measurify org",
    "address": "Measurify Street, Genova",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "+39103218793817",
    "admin_username": "pluto",
    "admin_password": "pippo",
    "passwordhash": "true"

The call needs the API_TOKEN in the header parameter:

Authorization: API_TOKEN

The API_TOKEN is specified in the init\variables.env file.

To delete a tenant:

DELETE {{url}}/v1/tenants/{{tenant}}


Model Registry can be accessed with a token than can be obtained with the following call:

POST {{url}}/login

    "username" : "username",  
    "password" : "password",
    "tenant": "tenant"

If tenant is not specified, the default one is used.

After the call, we get a token valid for JWT_EXPIRATIONTIME to be used for all other requests. We can use it as a header parameter:

Authorization: {{token}}

It is possible to renew an expired token using the following route, but before the JWT_RENEW_EXPIRATIONTIME:

PUT {{url}}/v1/login
Authorization: {{token}}


Adding a dataset to the registry:

POST {{url}}/v1/datasets

    "name": "MyDataset",
    "users": [
    "metadata": [
        { "name" : "meta_1", "value": "value_1" },
        { "name" : "meta_2", "value": "value_2" },
        { "name" : "meta_3", "value": "value_3" }
    "visibility": "public",
    "tags": [

In creating a new dataset, we have to provide information about the name of the dataset, the visibility of the dataset (public or private), the list of users who can access the private dataset, the list of metadata name-value pairs to describe the dataset, and the list of tags to categorize the dataset.

Tags and metadata names are stored in the registry, in order to build a folksonomy from the data inserted by users.

After the creation, the user receives from the registry a JSON object describing the dataset with a unique id that can be used to identify the dataset in subsequent calls.

After registering a dataset, a user can fetch it using its id. A user can access only public, owned or shared dataset.

GET {{url}}/v1/datasets/{{id}}

A user can modify the list of users, the list of metadata, the list of tags, and the visibility, of a dataset:

PUT {{url}}/v1/datasets/{{dataset}}

    "users": {
        "remove": ["user_1", "user_2"],
        "add": ["user_3"]
    "tags": {
        "remove": ["tag_1"],
        "add": ["tag_3"]
    "metadata": {
        "remove": [
            { "name" : "meta_1", "value": "value_1" },
            { "name" : "meta_2", "value": "value_3" }
        "add": [
            { "name" : "meta_3", "value": "value_7" },
            { "name" : "meta_4", "value": "value_8" }
    "visibility": "private"

It is possible to search among datasets (public, owned or shared) using a filter:

GET {{url}}/v1/datasets?filter={"tags":"tag_2"}

as an example, the previous call gets all (public, owned or shared) datasets tagged with with "tag_2" label.

Deleting a dataset:

DELETE {{url}}/v1/datasets/{{dataset}}


Adding a model to the registry:

POST {{url}}/v1/models

    "name": "MyFirstModel",
    "status": "training",
    "datasets": [
    "visibility": "public",
    "users": [
    "metadata": [
        { "name" : "meta_1", "value": "value_1" },
        { "name" : "meta_2", "value": "value_2" },
        { "name" : "meta_3", "value": "value_3" }
    "tags": [

In creating a new model, we have to provide information about the name of the model, the current status of maturity of the model (training, test, production), the list of datasets used to train or test the model, the visibility of the model (public or private), the list of users who can access the primvate model, the list of metadata name-value pairs to describe the model, and the list of tags to categorize the model.

Tags and metadata names are stored by the registry in order to build a folksonomy from the data inserted by users.

After the creation, we receive from the registry a JSON object describing the model with a unique id that we can use to identify the model in subsequent calls.

After we have registered an model, we can fetch it using its id. We can access only public, owned or shared models.

GET {{url}}/v1/models/{{id}}

We can modify the list of users, the status, the list of metadata, the list of tags, the visibility, and the list of datasets of a model:

PUT {{url}}/v1/models/{{model}}

    "users": {
        "remove": ["user_1", "user_2"],
        "add": ["user_3"]
    "datasets": {
        "remove": ["dataset_1"],
        "add": ["dataset_2"]
    "tags": {
        "remove": ["tag_1"],
        "add": ["tag_2"]
    "status": "deploy",
    "metadata": {
        "remove": [
            { "name" : "meta_1", "value": "value_1" },
            { "name" : "meta_2", "value": "value_3" }
        "add": [
            { "name" : "meta_3", "value": "value_7" },
            { "name" : "meta_4", "value": "value_8" }
    "visibility": "private"

It is possible to search among models (public, owned or shared) using a filter:

GET {{url}}/v1/models?filter={"tags":"tag_2"}

as an example, the previous call gets all (public, owned or shared) models tagged with with "tag_2" label.

Deleting a model:

DELETE {{url}}/v1/models/{{model}}


It is possible to add a version (file) to a model or to a dataset:

POST {{url}}/v1/models/{{model}}/versions
POST {{url}}/v1/datasets/{{dataste}}/versions

the body should be a form-data with the file of type "file" with the file to upload as a version of the model\dataset

Download a version of a model\dataset:

GET {{url}}/v1/models/{{model}}/versions/{{original}}
GET {{url}}/v1/datasets/{{dataset}}/versions/{{original}}

where original is the name of the file uploaded as a version of the model\dataset

Delete a version

DELETE {{url}}/v1/models/{{model}}/versions/{{original}}
DELETE {{url}}/v1/datasets/{{dataset}}/versions/{{original}}


The administrator can create a set of default tags that the UI can suggest to the user during model/dataset creation.

POST {{url}}/v1/tags

    "_id": "test_tag"

It is possible to get the list of all available default tags:

GET {{url}}/v1/tags?filter={"usage":"default"}

It is possible to get the list of folk tags:

GET {{url}}/v1/tags?filter={"usage":"folk"}

It is possible to select tags with a regex expression in order to allow UI auto-completion features:

GET {{url}}/v1/tags?filter={"_id":{"$regex": "Fol"}}

And also to delete a specific tag (only the administrator):

DELETE {{url}}/v1/tags/{{tag}}


The administrator can create a set of default metadata names that the UI can suggest to the user during model/dataset creation.

POST {{url}}/v1/metadata

    "_id": "test_metadata"

It is possible to get the list of all available default metadata:

GET {{url}}/v1/metadata?filter={"usage":"default"}

It is possible to get the list of folk metadata:

GET {{url}}/v1/metadata?filter={"usage":"folk"}

It is possible to select metadata with a regex expression in order to allow UI auto-completion features:

GET {{url}}/v1/metadata?filter={"_id":{"$regex": "Fol"}}

It is also possible to delete a specific metadata name (only the administrator):

DELETE {{url}}/v1/metadata/{{metadata}}


In case of a request with errors, the registry response is filled with a specific error id. The list of all possible errors can be accessed as:

GET {{url}}/v1/errors

Other informations (like registry version, type of environment, etc) can be obtained with the following resources:

GET {{url}}/v1/info
GET {{url}}/v1/version

To access the log:

GET {{url}}/v1/log


The Model Registry is developed using Node JS and MongoDB. The following steps show how to deploy a complete registry server on a Ubuntu 18.04 server, using Docker. However it can be adapted also for MacOS or Windows operating systems.

Install Docker Install Docker Compose

There is a configuration file \init\variablesTemplateDocker.env, which can be edited in order to specify several features:


In particular, the connection string with the database and administrator credential (at startup, the registry will create a admin user with these credential), the expiration time of tokens, the log level, the secret word for the HTTPS certificate file, the secret word for the JWT token.

Then you can follow the Quick Start instruction to get the Registry.

The Registry can support both HTTP and HTTPS. Without certificate, the registry starts using a self-signed certificate (stored in the resources forlder) or in HTTP (if also the self-signed certificate is missing). It is reccomended to get a valid certificate from a authority. In the following, we provide instruction to add a certificate from Let's Encrypt, a free, automated and open Certificate Authority. Detailed instruction can be found at Certbot instruction

Install Certbot

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install certbot

Use Certbot (modify in order to provide your domain)

sudo ufw allow 80
sudo certbot certonly --standalone --preferred-challenges http -d {{url}}

Copy certificates

sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{url}}/fullchain.pem ~/registry/resources/fullchain.pem
sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{url}}/privkey.pem ~/registry/resources/privkey.pem

Update certificates

sudo docker stop registry
sudo certbot certonly --standalone --preferred-challenges http -d {{url}}
sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{url}}/fullchain.pem ~/registry/resources/fullchain.pem
sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{url}}/privkey.pem ~/registry/resources/privkey.pem

Finally update the Registry image.


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