Utilify functions to develop Stripe integration scrips in Node.js
You should use Node8.10.0 or later
Get list subscriptions that the remain date is less than X day.
const stripeUtils = require('stripe-utils')
const stripe = require("stripe")(
const { RenewalReminder } = stripeUtils.subscriptions
const exec = async () => {
const targetDate = 30
const worker = new RenewalReminder(stripe)
const subscriptions = await worker.getNotificationTargetSubscription(targetDate)
subscriptions.forEach(subscription => {
console.log('Amount: %j', subscriptions.length)
Get declines description and next steps bt decline_code Ref: https://stripe.com/docs/declines/codes
const { getDeclineDescription } = require('stripe-utils')
const { code } = getDeclineDescription("try_again_later")
"description": "The card has been declined for an unknown reason.",
"nextSteps": "Ask the customer to attempt the payment again. If subsequent payments are declined, the customer should contact their card issuer for more information."