In this tutorial we will try to walk together through all the building blocks of a Machine/Deep Learning project in production, i.e. a model that people can actually interact with
As a case study, we’ll be creating a web interface for image recognition using the pretrained model VGG19.
You can check the detailed explanation on the article I wrote in Towards Data Science here
Without going into too much detail, this project consists of 4 major parts :
I've used use a pretrained (and effective) Convolutional Neural Network model for image classification : VGG-19. describe how to load the model, preprocess images in order to be used by that model, and make predictions.
We are also using Flask-Uploads (or Flask-Reuploaded) which allows your application to flexibly and efficiently handle file uploading and serving the uploaded files. contains the code responsible for running the API. It interacts with the web page where the client will upload his image.
In short, Docker allows us to create reproducible environments. To do so for the API we've just created, we have to :
1. The first thing to do, obviously, is to download and install Docker
2. Create the requirements.txt in your main directory
3. Create a Dockerfile (without extension) which contains the instructions for building your Docker image
4. In a terminal, run the following command to build the Docker image:
# docker build -f Dockerfile -t recog_container:api .
5. Run container in background and print container ID using:
# docker run -p 5000:5000 -d recog_container:api
Once this is running, you should be able to view your app running in your browser at
Thanks to Heroku we will be able to deploy our application in the Cloud
1. Create a new Heroku account if you don’t have one. Then download Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI) which makes it easy to create and manage your Heroku apps directly from the terminal.
2. Login to your Heroku account using # heroku login
3. Log in to Container Registry: # heroku container:login
4. Create a new Heroku app: # heroku create <app-name>
5. Build the image based on your Dockefile and push it to this particular app in Heroku # heroku container:push web --app <app-name>
6. You can finally open up your Heroku application through the command # heroku open --app <app-name>
Link to the related article in Towards Data Science HERE
Link to Twitter account HERE
In order to create a conda environment to run this project locally, use the following commands (from your repo's root directory):
$ conda create --name ml_in_prod python=3.9
$ conda activate ml_in_prod
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
In case you need to delete this environment, use the following command:
$ conda remove --name ml_in_prod --all
If you want to run the model locally, use the following command:
$ chmod +x
$ ./
or$ python -i ./