This has been improved by examining the code of and
- copy paste the php files into your own server directory
config.php, HttpPost.php, JWT.php, oauth2.php and Office365_Client.php
- Make sure you have curl library (i.e php5-curl) installed if not install it. For example for Ubuntu:
<pre>$ sudo apt-get install php5-curl </pre> </li>
- Setup config.php with your client id, secret key and redirect url
oauth2_client_id, oauth2_secret, oauth2_redirect
- oauth2.php is your main file that uses the client
After you click the app icon on office 365, it redirects you to oauth2.php along with the continue button
print "<a class='login' href='$forward_url'>Connect Me!</a>";
header( 'Location: '.$forward_url );
session_start(); $client = new Office365_Client(); $forward_url = $client->createAuthUrl(); $code = $_GET['code']; if(isset($_GET['code'])) { $client->setCode($code); $client->fetchTokens(); //get tokens $client->fetchJWT();//let's get user info //put the user token info into sessions $_SESSION['name'] = $client->getJwt()->getName();//full name of the user $_SESSION['unique_name'] = $client->getJwt()->getUniqueName();//could be email or id from office365 $_SESSION['tid'] = $client->getJwt()->getTid();//tenant id }else{ header( 'Location: '.$forward_url ); //redirect automatically on the first page visit, 2nd page visit will get the $code }
/***** * Example, the real values are modified for security reasons * * JWT ==> aud: 2bb002b0-e94a-43b3-993e-99b62c153129 iss: iat: 1490630128 nbf: 1490630128 exp: 1457612368 ver: 1.0 tid: 1261e375-31b4-4f03-b002-cbdeac6f5ff7 amr: Array oid: f30854cb-4a90-b339-a03f-594w18cc59c1 upn: [email protected] puid: sub: HhbpMSalPJd8BPkkyhh5wa3XWhd2q8Jz4fQRwSsCScU given_name: Mehmet family_name: Sen name: Mehmet Sen unique_name: [email protected] appid: appidacr: scp: acr: * */
/******** * Another Example JWT from microsoft site * * { "aud": "", "iss": "", "iat": 1427246416, "nbf": 1427246416, "exp": 1427250316, "ver": "1.0", "tid": "41463f53-8812-40f4-890f-865bf6e35190", "amr": [ "pwd" ], "oid": "1cef1fdb-ff52-48c4-8e4e-dfb5ea83d357", "upn": "[email protected]", "puid": "1003BFFD8EC47CA6", "sub": "7XpD5OWAXM1OWmKiVKh1FOkKXV4N3OSRol6mz1pxxhU", "given_name": "John", "family_name": "Doe", "name": "Contoso, Inc.", "unique_name": "[email protected]", "appid": "a6099727-6b7b-482c-b509-1df309acc563", "appidacr": "1", "scp": "ActivityFeed.Read ServiceHealth.Read", "acr": "1" } * * */