Machine Learning Specialization (using Python + GraphLab Create) - University of Washington (
This repository is dedicated to all the assignments/lectures taught in Machine Learning Specialization through from University of Washington. Courses in this specialization are:
- Machine Learning Foundations
- Regression
- Classification
- Clustering & Retrieval
All the assignments use GraphLab Create, iPython notebooks, Python version >=2.7, Numpy(for array/matrix manipulation), Scipy(computing), Pandas(Data analysis/cleaning), SFrame(equivalent of Dataframe), Matplotlib(for visualization).
Any suggestions are welcome. Fork the repo and push the changes, if they are improved versions of what is already written, I will overwrite/merge it. Make sure to commit with appropriate details.
If you'd like to collaberate on some really interesting projects using Python/Java and Machine Learning, please do contact as this specialization was left without the last course (Recommendation & Dimensionality Reduction) from the university.
Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]