I deleted:
- RPC calls
- Encrypted message passing
All for the purposes of education!
I created a hello world example app with it that isn't client/server based but purely made up of peers.
All of this could be gleaned/learned from the original Bugout repository. But it took me hours to understand what the library is doing, and then I finally figured out that the library itself was what I needed. For me, the encryption and RPC calls were what made it a bit confusing to understand, which is why I made this simple hello world app.
If all you need is unencrypted message passing, then this stripped version of bugout with a "hello world" example boilerplate is what you need!
npm install
And modify the following in client.js:
In client.js the swarmId
needs to be changed from undefined
to a string of your liking.
I only know how to do it on Mac. You need to bundle it with Browserify and then launch it on Chrome (or another compatible browser).
To bundle do:
browserify client.js > bundle.js
If you also want to startup Chrome:
browserify client.js > bundle.js && open -a "Google Chrome" index.html