Notable changes
This release of opendbt introduces significant enhancements focused on expanding functionality, and bolstering code quality.
Key changes include "local-python" execution and dlt integration for broader data pipeline capabilities, and refactored code for better maintainability.
Enhanced Functionality:
- Introduced "local-python" execution mode, enabling direct Python execution within dbt.
- Added dlt (data load tool) integration, expanding data pipeline capabilities. Now its possible to use dbt model and do Extract and Load
Improved Code Structure and Maintainability:
- Implemented decorator for runtime patching, making the code more maintainable.
- Moved logger functionality to a separate file, improving code organization.
- Refactored and improved the main opendbt CLI code for better readability and maintainability.
What's Changed
- Github Actions, Cache pip dependencies by @ismailsimsek in #55
- Add blog post link to documentation by @ismailsimsek in #56
- Add workflow_dispatch to github test action by @ismailsimsek in #58
- Move logger to separate file by @ismailsimsek in #60
- Use decorator for runtime patching by @ismailsimsek in #59
- Add local-python execution and dlt integration to opendbt by @ismailsimsek in #61
- Minor add code improvements by @ismailsimsek in #62
- Minor improve main opendbt cli code by @ismailsimsek in #63
- Set Defaults for project dir and profiles dir by @ismailsimsek in #64
Full Changelog: 0.12.0...0.13.0