The valumsFileUploader extension is a Multiple file uploader without flash in the frontend and backend.
He is based on the File Uploader from Andrew Valum
and extend the frontend and backend with a new multi-upload field.
Other screenshots
- Contao 2.9.x or higher
- ajax 1.0.6 or higher
- ajax-upload 1.0.0 or higher
- Unpack the archive on your server
- Open the installation directory in your web browser
- Update the database
- Activate the valumsFileUploader functionality in your personal data
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_example']['fields']['vfuExample'] = array
// Set the button label and the help text
'label' => array('Button label', 'Help text'),
// Set field to "valumsFileUploader"
'inputType' => 'valumsFileUploader',
// Set special options
'eval' => array(
// Set path for files to save
'path' => 'tl_files',
// Set the maximum allowed file size
'maxFileSize' => 2048000000,
// Set the allowed file extensions comma seperated
'extensions' => 'jpeg, jpg, png',
// Set the the value to not override existing files and
// choose the value to handle the files (useSuffix, useTimeStamp)
'overwrite' => 'useSuffix',
// Set the this value with height and with to resize the file
'resize' => array('800', '800'),
// Set debug mode
'debug' => true,
// Set label for drop field
'dropTextLabel' => 'Drop text label'
If you are having problems using the valumsFileUploader Extension, please visit the issue tracker at