NLog target to send log messages to Hangfire storage
NLog.HangfireJobLogsTarget is available as a NuGet package. You can install it using the NuGet Package Console window:
PM> Install-Package Bonura.NLog.HangfireJobLogsTarget
First install and configure package: Hangfire.PerformContextAccessor
After installation, update your NLog settings:
"NLog": {
"extensions": [
"assembly": "NLog.HangfireJobLogsTarget"
To store log message with jobId information and so make storage works correctly is mandatory to add a decorator to message layout.
-> add hangfire jobid to NLog log event properties (mandatory)
A simple target configuration
"targets": {
"hangfire": {
"layout": "${longdate}|${level:uppercase=true}|${logger}|${message}|${exception:format=toString}${hangfire-decorator}",
"type": "HangfireJobLogs"