Yet Another Gap Closer based on spanning long reads
A program for correction of genome assemblies focused on gap closing and filling, based on gap-spanning of long reads.
Requires the following python
Easy installation with pip
pip3 install --user --upgrade pip
pip3 install --user pysam biopython numpy
We recommend the input alignment to be generated following these instructions.
- Map the long reads against the genome assembly using minimap2 (Li, 2018) and tag secondary alignments (option
). - Convert the alignment into its binary form (BAM file), sort it by coordinates and index it with
(Li et al., 2009) [Version tested: 1.7 (using htslib 1.8)].
minimap2 --secondary=yes -ax [map-pb | map-ont] reference.fasta reads.fastq | samtools view -hSb - | samtools sort - > aln.s.bam
- [Optional | Will help with processing speed later] Filter a subset of primary alignments with MAPQ > 20 to identify the closable gaps.
minimap2 --secondary=yes -ax [map-pb | map-ont] reference.fasta reads.fastq | samtools view --hSb -q 20 - | samtools sort - > aln.s.bam
- Index BAM file
samtools index aln.s.bam
- Get a description of the gaps present in the reference file, you can use the
too fromasset
to do so. Check on the corresponding repository how to install it.
detgaps reference.fasta > .gaps.bed &
usage: yagcloser [-h] -g FASTA_FILE_PATH -b BED_FILE_PATH -a BAM_FILE_PATH
-o FOLDER_PATH -s STR [-mins INT] [-f INT]
[-mapq <MAPQ_threshold>] [-mcc INT] [-prt FLOAT] [-eft FLOAT]
[-l <log_level>] [-v]
: Filepath of the reference genome file to be used. Accepts compressed files (GZIP) (default: None)-b BED FILE PATH, --bed BED FILE PATH
: Filepath of the bed file describing the gaps of the genome. Accepts compressed files (GZIP) (default:None)-a BAM FILE PATH, --aln BAM FILE PATH
: Filepath of the alignment of reads to the reference genome in BAM format. This file needs to be indexed before running. (default: None)-o FOLDER_PATH, --output FOLDER_PATH
: Output path folder. (default: None)-s STR, --samplename STR
: Short sample name that will be used for naming OUTPUT files. (default: None)
-mins INT, --min-support INT
: Minimum number of reads needed spanning a gap to be considered for closing or filling, (default: 5).-f INT, --flanksize INT
: Flank size to be used to select the reads that are in the surroundings of the gap and determine whether there are reads that span the gap or not, (default: 20
).-mapq <MAPQ_threshold>, --mapping-guality-threshold <MAPQ_threshold>
: MAPQ value used to filter alignments for posterior processing. Discarding alingments where:alignment_mapq < MAPQ_threshold
, (default: 20
).-mcc INT, --min-coverage-consensus INT
: Require that more than INT sequences to be part of an alignment to put in the consensus. Modify if-mins/--min-support
< default, (default: 2
).-prt FLOAT, --percent-reads-threshold FLOAT
: Require that more than INT sequences to remain after the length agreement to be considered for consensus. (default: 0.5
)-eft FLOAT, --empty-flanks-threshold
: FLOAT Percentage of empty flanks required to skip an ambiguous decision on a gap. (default: 0.2
)-l <log_level>, --log <log_level>
: Verbosity levels, (default: INFO
-v, --version
: Show program's version number and exit-h, --help
: show this help message and exit
File/directory | Name | Description |
D | <samplename>.consensus |
Folder with FASTA files that are used in the consensus phase. |
D | <samplename>.flanks |
Folder with FASTA files with the sequences corresponding to the flank regions. |
D | <samplename>.fullsupport |
Folder with FASTA files. Content are the sequences that include the flanks and the sequencing between the flanks. |
D | <samplename>.log |
D | <samplename>.msa |
Output of the alignment of the subreads. |
D | <samplename>.pre |
D | <samplename>.reads |
Read subsequences that are aligned to the flank and sequences between the flanks. |
D | <samplename>.support |
Folder with FASTA files. Content are the sequences between the flanks. |
D | <samplename>.consensus.log.txt |
Log of the consensus result |
F | <samplename>.alignment.err |
Output of all the alignments generated by MAFFT |
F | <samplename>.ambiguous.txt |
List of gaps with ambiguous decisions |
F | <samplename>.edits.txt |
File that describes the final edits that should be made on the reference sequence |
F | <samplename>.gaps.closed.original_coordinates.txt |
F | <samplename>.no.length.agreement.txt |
List of gaps filtered out after the lenght agreement step |
F | <samplename> |
List of gaps with not enough support |
F | <samplename>.potential.fillable.gaps.txt |
List of gaps that have enough support to be considered for the gap closing process. |
- Run to identify potential gaps/edits that will be done to your reference
python yagcloser -g reference.fasta \
-a reference.sorted.bam \
-b gaps.bed \
-o yagcloser_output \
-f 40 - mins 2 -s reference_data
- Edit the reference file
python \
-i reference.fasta \
-o reference.v2.fasta \
-e yagcloser_output/yagcloser_output.edits.txt