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IN DEVELOPMENT: HTML frontend for Metanorma documents

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Repository files navigation

Firelight monorepo

Firelight renders Metanorma XML (usually produced from Metanorma-flavoured AsciiDoc) in a way that is readable and easy to navigate by default while also being customizable and extensible.

Anafero build system implements the orchestration of Firelight’s MN XML parsing & site content rendering extensions.

Example repository built with this system; deployed version. (But note that the example does not follow best practices for source data & config versioning, and instead initializes an empty repository and generates the config in Github Action logic. That means it would be unable to make use of versioning-related functionality. The reason for this is that that particular document’s source files are particularly large and run into some Git infrastructure limitations.)


  • Intended to be run on macOS and Linux. Not tested on Windows.
  • Requires Node 22.
npx --node-options='--experimental-vm-modules' -y @riboseinc/anafero-cli \
  --target-dir <path/to/site/output/dir> \
  --current-rev <main-revision> \
  [--path-prefix </slash-prepended-path-prefix>]
  [--rev <other-revision-or-spec>]

The command must be run from the root of a Git repository that has Anafero config file versioned in it (see below).

Anafero config

A file named anafero-config.json must reside in the root of the repository with the data being built.


  "version": "0.1",
  "entryPoint": "file:documents/001-v4/document.presentation.xml",
  "storeAdapters": [
  "contentAdapters": [
  "resourceLayouts": [

(Note that this example pins adapters to branch name, which is not ideal in real use.)

The file must be versioned, unless config is supplied via an override. Each version being built (e.g., different commits or tags) can have a different configuration (if a specified version does not have the config, the config will be sourced from the nearest more recent version that has it, or via config override if provided).

For extension module reference format (adapters & layouts) see module identifier shape below.

Module identifier shape



It is required to specify a Git ref (e.g., tag or branch). Branch is not recommended. Pinning by tag is recommended.

Example specifying metanorma/firelight Github repo at tag 1.2.3 and layout under a subdirectory: git+


  • Firelight implements:
    • Metanorma XML store adapter that transforms between MN presentation XML and a set of resources representing document structure.
    • A content adapter that expects a set of resources representing a MN document or document collection.
    • Layout for PLATEAU documents.
    • The main GUI entry point.
  • Anafero: implements the engine for transforming between various data sources and resource hierarchy, using the following pluggable components.
    • Store adapter module: provides API for transforming between certain source (currently, a blob in Git repository) and a set of resource relations.
    • Content adapter module: determines how resources form website hierarchy.
    • Layout module: allows some custom CSS to control resource rendering.
    • App shell: the high-level React component that renders the content. (Provisional—for now Firelight GUI is hard-coded as the only option.)

Known issues

  • Language support is limited, for now just Japanese, English and possibly French work.

  • GHA only: LFS resolution for version other than current may be broken. It is required to specify with: { lfs: true } for the checkout step, and building any version other than the one checked out may lead to broken results if any objects are stored with LFS.

    So far this was not reproduced in build environments other than GHA.

Implementing adapter modules

Feel free to reference metanorma-xml-store for store adapter, metanorma-site-content for content adapter, plateau-layout for layout, but API may change shortly (particularly for content adapters).

Store adapters

The job of a store adapter is to map an entry point file to resources and relations.

Store adapter module interface is defined by StoreAdapterModule in anafero/StoreAdapter.mts. Adapter module MUST have a default export of an object that conforms to this interface.

The main part of store adapter API is readerFromBlob(). It is given an entry point as a binary blob and some helper functions (e.g., for decoding it into an XML DOM), and must return a resource reader. Resource reader is responsible for discovering relations by returning them in chunks via onRelationChunk() callback passed to discoverAllResources() function.


discoverAllRelations() should chunk relations responsibly. Avoid calling onRelationChunk() too frequently, as this can create a significant performance overhead.

Other performance considerations (such as not relying on async generators & preferring loops instead) apply.

Anafero will follow outwards relations and initialize another store adapter, or reuse a previously initialized one that returns true from canResolve().

canResolve() is another bit of store adapter API. It’s supposed to return a boolean indicating whether this adapter should bother processing a resource based on its URI. Useful, e.g., if an adapter is supposed to only understand files with particular filename extension(s). It’s generally not a problem to return true and then fail to instantiate a reader because upon closer inspection source data is not recognizable.

Content adapters


Content adapter API is likely to change in near future.

The job of a content adapter is to map resource relations to an hierarchy of formatted website pages.

Content adapter module interface is defined by ContentAdapterModule in anafero/ContentAdapter.mts. Adapter module MUST have a default export of an object that conforms to this interface.

The main parts of content adapter API are:

  • Used for determining hierarchy:

    • contributingToHierarchy: spec for relations that create sub-hierarchy.
    • crossReferences(): given a relation, returns whether the relation is a cross-reference (and therefore does not participate in hierarchy).
  • Used for transforming between page content and relations:

    • generateContent(): given a graph of relations of a page in hierarchy, returns content representing it. The content is in ProseMirror doc format, with an ID for associated schema. The adapter module can import some prosemirror-* contrib modules and is responsible for defining ProseMirror schema.

    • resourceContentProseMirrorSchema: a map of schema ID to ProseMirror schema.


      A single page is a resource; but its parts are resources too. Anafero attempts to maintain a mapping between subresources and respective DOM nodes. To facilitate this,

      • created ProseMirror nodes should have resourceID attr set to resource’s ID (subject URI); conversely,
      • toDOM() should ensure returned DOM node representing a resource specifies that resource’s ID (subject URI) using RDFa about attribute.


      Schema nodes MUST NOT return DOM nodes from toDOM() functions currently; only return spec arrays per PM docs. This is a limitation of react-prosemirror.

    • resourceContentProseMirrorOptions: currently only used to supply ProseMirror node views. Generally speaking, optional, and node views should not be relied on for basic content presentation.

    • describe(): describes a resource (whether a page or its subresource), providing a plain-text label and language code.

    • generateRelations(): not currently used. Given page content, returns a graph of relations. Planned for reverse transformation when editing.


Layout module interface is defined by LayoutModule in anafero/Layout.mts. Adapter module MUST have a default export of an object that conforms to this interface.



Environment setup

Use Node 22. Run corepack enable to ensure it can load correct Yarn for the package.


Extension modules are not being cleaned up after build as of now. This is fine in cloud environments that can do the clean up, but locally they may accumulate. On macOS, you may likely find temporary build directories under /var/folders/ln/<long string>/<short string>/anafero-*. They can be safely deleted.

Local modules

During local development, instead of specifying git+https URLs it is possible to specify file: URLs in anafero-config.json:


This way it would fetch modules from local filesystem, and any changes to adapters will have effect immediately without pushing them.

This is helpful when working on modules, of course, but also when working on something else to save the time fetching module data.

Local Anafero


For GUI-side typechecking, it is currently required to run yarn compile inside firelight-gui package separately. yarn cbp will not reveal all typing issues.

After building anafero-cli with yarn cbp, to test the changes before making a release invoke the CLI via NPX on your machine as follows (where tgz is the artifact within anafero-cli package):

npx --node-options='--experimental-vm-modules' -y file:/path/to/anafero.tgz \
  --target-dir <path/to/site/output/dir> \
  --current-rev <main-revision> \
  [--path-prefix </slash-prepended-path-prefix>]
  [--rev <other-revision-or-spec>]


  • If you work on styling and confusingly what you defined in your local CSS is overridden by library CSS, make sure that your local CSS is not imported before library CSS in the total import tree (this can accidentally happen if you have components split across multiple files that import class names from a single shared local CSS module).

    If you see that in CSS bundle some library CSS appears after your local CSS, then somehow that went wrong. Project’s local CSS always comes last.


Types & schema

  • We try to make the most out of TypeScript while staying pragmatic and not going overboard type wrangling.

  • Using any or unknown is almost never acceptable. For data constructed by the code directly at runtime, we make sure the interface or type is clearly defined somewhere.

  • For data that can arrive from an external source (including storage, such as JSON configuration, LocalStorage, IndexedDB), do not define or annotate types by hand.

    • Instead of defining types by hand, declare an Effect schema and derive the typings from that.

      • For consistently, the schema for a type Something must be called SomethingSchema, and the following pattern is OK:

        import * as S from 'effect/Schema';
        export const SomethingSchema = S.Something({...});
        // If type needs to be manually annotated somewhere,
        // this can be defined:
        export type Something = S.Schema.Type<typeof SomethingSchema>;
    • Instead of using type guards and ad-hoc checking, or annotating types without actual validation, decode incoming structure with the schema (even with simple S.decodeUnkownSync()) and handle parsing errors.

  • If the type in question was defined and can be inferred by TSC and by a human without explicit annotation, manual annotation can/should be omitted.

Other conventions

  • Do not export something that does not need exporting.
  • Use @ts-expect-error, if necessary, but not the ignore directive.

Known issues

  • There are 16 typing errors when compiling. While they don’t stop yarn cbp from otherwise completing, we aim to get rid of them when possible. Some of the errors are caused by apparent mismatch between TypeScript compiler invoked at build and TS language server.
  • The API for content & store adapters, and layouts as well, is being changed.
  • App shell (Firelight) may be made pluggable, to facilitate sites that look & feel differently enough from a document.
  • Some of the CSS that currently is implemented in Firelight GUI possibly belongs to Plateau layout adapter instead.


IN DEVELOPMENT: HTML frontend for Metanorma documents






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