Microservice Online Shop, a modern E-commerce book management web application using Event-Driven and microservice architecture
Online Store is a modern E-commerce system for retailing and product management using web application, built using modern tech-stack. It built with Java Spring boot as backend and React as frontend over a Microservice and event-driven communicating based-on Apache Kafka.
We have several microservices as components of online shop system, each of which is located under its directory in the project.
Responsible to manage orders
- Order fulfillment:
- Is a component inside the order microservice
Responsible to managing our products in inventory.
Responsible to manage payments related to orders with communication with the payment gateway.
Manages customer space, such as customer's info credits and addresses.
A library that contains shared code for all microservices.
Backend applications contains kafka, postgres, and all other applications running on different containers(microservices)
docker compose up --build order-microservice inventory-microservice
Get into frontend directory and run the below command:
cd frontend && npm install
Wait a little bit when finished run the below command. This will open a new browser window for you:
npm start
The application is open in browser on http://localhost:3000
You can now start browsing products and purchasing some of them. If you like you can add new product as from 1500 categories. Then in checkout you can finish your orders and get a confirmation number to track your purchases.