Composed of code from homework assignments from my college course Python Programming. The textbook the course is based on and that some of the exercises come from is Starting Out with Python (4th edition), 2017 by Tony Gaddis
Examples of python code projects from my college Python course.
A text-based adventure game that has additions each unit based on what was learned that week.
Examples include taking input, print statements, and basic math operations
For, while, if/elif
File reading/writing, exception handling, and basic Functions
Problems include iterating over a string, sets, a sentinel loop, dictionaries, and pickling
Creating a class with attributes and creating an object of that class
Creating a superclass and subclass, an object of the subclass, and using a recursive function
Text-based adventure game, each version adds new concepts
The course the assignments are based on is CIS 241 at Post University (2022)
Textbook the course is based on: Starting Out with Python (4th Ed.), 2017 - Tony Gaddis Available (