A rain world level editor remade from the ground up with javascript and html/css. link to my editor: https://rweditor.net
- click left mouse to use the currently selected tool
- click and hold middle mouse to move the view
- to erase, select the "air" geometry type and draw with it
"materialName" : { //the only requirement for the material name is that it's different from every other name in the json file
"baseSize" : 20, //the base size of each asset in pixels. this is used to split the big textures you make into a bunch of small ones i can use
"type" : "tile", //the type of the material. see below for all supported material types
"variants" : 2, //the number of unique versions of the same tile. in the editor you can choose a specific variant or a random one
"includedTileTypes" : { //tells the editor which types of tile this material contains. if its not here it will take the default material's tiles instead
"wall" : [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2],//the layout for each layer of that specific tiletype of the material. a tile is always made of 10 layers. see below for what each number means in this
- each number represents which texture to use for that layer of the material
- 2 textures are provided to every material by default. texture 0 is just an invisible texture to be used as padding, and texture 1 is a green texture in the shape of the tiletype you've selected
- every texture after 1 (so 2 to infinity) are textures that you added manually to the material
- the main geometry types are : wall, slope, semisolid platform, pole, and cross pole. to edit the layer setup for them just add an entry to the
list with your desired layer setup
{TODO: a more complete tutorial on material creation}
- a simple tile that doesn't care about any of its neighbors
- a tile which will care about its four directly adjacent neighbors and connect with them. make sure to lay out the textures properly using the provided templates
- to add more layers, just duplicate this texture downwards with whatever variations you want for that other layer, and importantly there must be a 1 pixel gap between all individual textures
- a tile which will care about all 8 neighboring tiles. again make sure to lay out the texture correctly using the correct template below
- the method to add more layers to this is the same as above
- (not currently implemented) uses green areas of the
material to act as an area to "allow" a desired texture to show through
- (not currently implemented) a tile which will place down randomized sprites taken from a big texture, roughly within the area of the tile the material was added to
To get a blank level, refresh the page
the basegame's project files and original editor can be found at the bottom of this page: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/312520/view/3671033323706467799
The project files for the game itself are located at *\Official Level Editor Downpour\LevelEditorProjects\World