This is a sample test service as an Interview task . It is built by Laravel 8 .
In order to install service correctly follow these instructions below:
# clone reposity
git clone {REPOSITORY_URL}
# Run Docker Containers
docker-compose up -d
# Install composer packages
docker-compose exec php composer install
# Create .env file
docker-compose exec php cp .env.example .env
# Create Elasticsearch index
docker-compose exec php php artisan make:elastic:index
# Import dummy data
docker-compose exec php php artisan db seed
In order install the project without Docker, First You need have an Elasticsearch server, then after installation Laravel you just need to set Elasticsearch config in the file config/database.php
or set it in .env file
GET http://localhost:8000/api/search/(news|instagram|twitter)?filter=(date|title|username|name|source)&value=(2020-02-20|test title|username|taylor otwell|CNN)
To run test use below command:
docker-compose exec php php artisan test
docker-compose exec php php artisan drop:elastic:index