Work in progress architecture |
This repository is for the edge pod implementation, monitoring and analysis in SUCCESS6G project. Implementation is inspired by digits-recognizer-kubeflow.
Step by step procedure to run the implementation can be found in
and notebooks
directories include analysis code used for intial edge model deployment and testing.
Description of the components:
- Grafana - dashboards
- Ingress - expose services to operator
- Prometheus - gather (i) pod metrics, (ii) measurements and predictions
- MinIO - store models and training/testing data
- Jupyter notebook (Kubeflow extension) - develop new models
- Kubeflow CI/CD pipelines
- Kserve - serve inference models to predefined pods
- Kepler - gather energy consumption data
- Redis - API for transfer of OBU measurements to Kubernetes
- test and prepare Redis helm chart
- deploy it only on specific nodes
- prepare CI/CD platform:
- Kubeflow with Jupyternotebook extension, Kserve and MinIO for model/trining data storage
- expose measurements and predictions over http
- scrape data from edge by Prometheus, i.e. using service like kepler_exporter
- deploy Kserve model only on specific nodes, i.e. solved github issue
- finish Thanos configuration
- how to do
in NearbyComputing orchestration
- make v2x dashboard
- organizational
- Prometheus/Grafana configured by NBC or CTTC?
- Redis db helm chart/docker provided by Idneo?
- technical
- ensure comunication flows from OBU through edge Redis pod #1 -> Kserve pod #2
- transfer of measuremetns (only a fraction?) from Prometheus to MinIO
- federated elarning/training in Kubernetes? KubeFATE?
- impose security wherever possible
- communication between Vehicle and Redis
- exposing measurements and predictions via https
- user/pass for Grafana