ServiceRadar is a distributed network monitoring system designed for infrastructure and services in hard to reach places or constrained environments. It provides real-time monitoring of internal services, with cloud-based alerting capabilities to ensure you stay informed even during network or power outages.
ServiceRadar can be installed via direct downloads from GitHub releases.
Install these components on your monitored host:
# Download and install core components
curl -LO \
sudo dpkg -i serviceradar-agent_1.0.15.deb serviceradar-poller_1.0.15.deb
On a separate machine (recommended) or the same host:
# Download and install cloud service
curl -LO
sudo dpkg -i serviceradar-cloud_1.0.15.deb
If you're running a Dusk node and want specialized monitoring:
curl -LO
sudo dpkg -i serviceradar-dusk-checker_1.0.15.deb
For larger deployments where components run on different hosts:
- On monitored hosts:
curl -LO
sudo dpkg -i serviceradar-agent_1.0.15.deb
- On monitoring host:
curl -LO
sudo dpkg -i serviceradar-poller_1.0.15.deb
- On cloud host:
curl -LO
sudo dpkg -i serviceradar-cloud_1.0.15.deb
ServiceRadar uses a distributed architecture with three main components:
graph TD
subgraph "Monitored Host"
A[Agent] --> P1[Process Checker]
A --> P2[Port Checker]
A --> P3[Dusk Checker]
subgraph "Local Network"
P[Poller] --> A
P --> A2[Agent 2]
P --> HTTP[HTTP Checks]
subgraph "Agent 2 Host"
A2 --> R[Redis Status]
A2 --> M[MySQL Status]
subgraph "Direct Checks"
HTTP --> WebApp[Web Application]
HTTP --> API[API Endpoint]
subgraph "Cloud/Internet"
P --> CS[Cloud Service]
CS --> WH[Webhook Alerts]
WH --> Discord[Discord]
WH --> Custom[Custom Webhooks]
style P fill:#f9f,stroke:#333
style CS fill:#bbf,stroke:#333
style WH fill:#fbf,stroke:#333
- Agent (runs on monitored hosts)
- Provides service status through gRPC
- Supports multiple checker types:
- Process checker (systemd services)
- Port checker (TCP ports)
- Custom checkers (e.g., Dusk node)
- Must run on each host you want to monitor
- Poller (runs anywhere in your network)
- Coordinates monitoring activities
- Can run on the same host as an agent or separately
- Polls agents at configurable intervals
- Reports status to cloud service
- Multiple pollers can report to the same cloud service
- Cloud Service (runs on a reliable host)
- Receives reports from pollers
- Provides web dashboard
- Sends alerts via webhooks (Discord, etc.)
- Should run on a reliable host outside your network
ServiceRadar components are distributed as Debian packages. Each component has its own package:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd serviceradar
- Build the agent package:
- Build the poller package:
- Build the cloud package:
- Build the dusk provisioner node package (optional):
- Agent Installation (on monitored hosts):
sudo dpkg -i serviceradar-dusk-checker_1.0.15.deb # For Dusk nodes
# or
sudo dpkg -i serviceradar-agent_1.0.15.deb # For other hosts
- Poller Installation (on any host in your network):
sudo dpkg -i serviceradar-poller_1.0.15.deb
- Cloud Installation (on a reliable host):
sudo dpkg -i serviceradar-cloud_1.0.15.deb
Default location: /etc/serviceradar/
"checkers_dir": "/etc/serviceradar/checkers",
"listen_addr": ":50051",
"service_type": "grpc",
"service_name": "AgentService"
For Dusk nodes:
"name": "dusk",
"type": "grpc",
"node_address": "localhost:8080",
"address": "localhost:50052",
"listen_addr": ":50052",
"timeout": "5m"
"name": "dusk",
"address": "localhost:50052"
For Network Sweep:
"networks": [""],
"ports": [22, 80, 443, 3306, 5432, 6379, 8080, 8443],
"sweep_modes": ["icmp", "tcp"],
"interval": "5m",
"concurrency": 100,
"timeout": "10s"
Default location: /etc/serviceradar/poller.json
"agents": {
"local-agent": {
"address": "",
"checks": [
"service_type": "process",
"service_name": "rusk",
"details": "rusk"
"service_type": "port",
"service_name": "SSH",
"details": ""
"service_type": "grpc",
"service_name": "dusk",
"details": ""
"service_type": "icmp",
"service_name": "ping",
"details": ""
"service_type": "sweep",
"service_name": "network_sweep",
"details": ""
"cloud_address": "changeme:50052",
"listen_addr": ":50053",
"poll_interval": "30s",
"poller_id": "dusk",
"service_name": "PollerService",
"service_type": "grpc"
Default location: /etc/serviceradar/cloud.json
"listen_addr": ":8090",
"grpc_addr": ":50052",
"alert_threshold": "5m",
"known_pollers": ["home-poller-1"],
"metrics": {
"enabled": true,
"retention": 100,
"max_nodes": 10000
"webhooks": [
"enabled": false,
"url": "https://your-webhook-url",
"cooldown": "15m",
"headers": [
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "Bearer your-token"
"enabled": true,
"url": "",
"cooldown": "15m",
"template": "{\"embeds\":[{\"title\":\"{{.alert.Title}}\",\"description\":\"{{.alert.Message}}\",\"color\":{{if eq .alert.Level \"error\"}}15158332{{else if eq .alert.Level \"warning\"}}16776960{{else}}3447003{{end}},\"timestamp\":\"{{.alert.Timestamp}}\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"Node ID\",\"value\":\"{{.alert.NodeID}}\",\"inline\":true}{{range $key, $value := .alert.Details}},{\"name\":\"{{$key}}\",\"value\":\"{{$value}}\",\"inline\":true}{{end}}]}]}"
- Agent Deployment:
- Must run on each host you want to monitor
- For Dusk nodes, use the serviceradar-dusk package
- For other hosts, use the serviceradar-agent package
- Requires port 50051 to be accessible to the poller
- Poller Deployment:
- Can run on the same host as an agent or separately
- Must be able to reach all agents
- Must be able to reach the cloud service
- Multiple pollers can report to the same cloud service
- Each poller needs a unique poller_id
- Cloud Service Deployment:
- Should run on a reliable host outside your network
- Needs to be accessible by all pollers
- Provides web interface on port 8090
- Should have reliable internet for webhook alerts
If you're using UFW (Ubuntu's Uncomplicated Firewall), here are the required rules:
# On agent hosts
sudo ufw allow 50051/tcp # For agent gRPC server
sudo ufw allow 50052/tcp # For Dusk checker (if applicable)
# On cloud host
sudo ufw allow 50052/tcp # For poller connections
sudo ufw allow 8090/tcp # For web interface
The web interface is available at http://cloud-host:8090
and provides:
- Overall system status
- Individual node status
- Service status for each node
- Historical availability data
- Dusk node specific information
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.