Vijay's mini project to fetch daily commodity value and apply his secret formula
Collects data and mails midnight
Vijay's secret recipe:
- Find high/low of 90 days
- Find 25% of the increase. (high-low) * .25
- Fixes uplimit and lowlimit from high/low
- Compare current price against the uplimit and lowlimit.
- Decide buy/sell based on these parameters
########################## use,
$ help To get help. Look for more options
$ Doesnt trigger mail. Displays output on the screen. Useful for debugging
$ 01Jan2021 Specify date to run/check
$ mail Trigger mail. Mail Id could be specified
$ updatedb To trigger it from cron. Sample cron as below.
0 1-8 * * * /home/pi/scripts/vijay_nse/ updatedb >> /home/pi/scripts/vijay_nse/vijay_nse.log
$ backup sends backup of the db/ and .py. Add it to cron to run every saturday
5 1 * * * /home/pi/scripts/vijay_nse/ updatedb >> /home/pi/scripts/vijay_nse/vijay_nse.log
Sometimes when raspberry pi crashes, or the daemon didnt run for long. Vijay will share the xls file. We need to convert the xls file to .csv for to understand.
Place the xls file into xls-data/ directory, and run. Output generated into folder output/