please read the wiki for more info
This is the home of the Yaapu Telemetry Script project, an ArduPilot LUA telemetry script for radios running OpenTX and EdgeTX
- OpenTX 2.3.8 or later
- EdgeTX version 2.7 or later with Widget version 2.0.0 or later
- Ethos 1.4 or later, download widget here
- FRSKY S.Port (setup info here)
- TBS Crossfire (setup info here)
- ExpressLRS (setup info here)
- MavToPT project
- the latest release versions are downloadable from the releases section
- the latest versions are downloadable from the clone/download button of the master branch
- the latest dev/experimental versions are downloadable from the clone/download button of the dev branch
This project is free and will always be.
If you like it you can support it by making a donation!
OpenTX/EdgeTX Color LCD 480x272
OpenTX/EdgeTX BW LCD 212x64
OpenTX/EdgeTX BW LCD 128x64
Ethos Color LCD 480x272 (X10/X12)
Ethos Color LCD 480x320 (X18)
Ethos Color LCD 800x480 (X20)