If you like this and/or use it. Please buy me a cup of coffee. I like drinking Starbucks 😗. Sure it will save a ton of startup time. https://paypal.me/michaelhabashy
Before you can use this you have to setup firebase and set varibles in .env file or just replace everything in src/config. Also set project name for firebase .firebaserc
In my opinion, this is the best template for building a startup or an application quickly. Making available for other developers, it already has a firebase auth setup and Mantine UI Light/Dark Theme with AppShell.
https://fontawesome.com/icons https://fontawesome.com/v5/docs/web/use-with/react
Please keep in mind that this template is using bootstrap utilities for flex/grid/spacing https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.2/utilities/flex/
npm run dev
npm run build
If you like this and/or use it. Please buy me a cup of coffee. I like drinking Starbucks 😗. Sure it will save a ton of startup time. https://paypal.me/michaelhabashy