Gherkin project for testing Shoestore using behave and selenium In order to run the tests you will need the behave and selenium modules and python
For instructions on installing behave please see this page
For instructions on installing selenium please see this page
Additionally you can setup the type of browser used from the file. Firefox is used and avalible by default Chrome and IE drivers need to be added to the root directory to be used. they can be found here
From the Shoestore directory simply execute behave
from the command line
##Notes Please note that 3 of the tests should fail
the november month test for images
features/month.feature:24 Month should display a small blurb, image, and have a suggested price for each shoe -- @1.11 Months
Assertion Failed: No image found for shoe with id charlotte_olympia_charlotte_olympia'parisienne'sandal
entering an invalid email address for the reminder email
features/reminder.feature:11 On successful submission of a invalid email address user should not receive a confirmation message
Assertion Failed: Empty email returns a positive response
entering no email address for the reminder email
features/reminder.feature:16 On successful submission of an empty email address user should not receive a confirmation message
Assertion Failed: Empty email returns a positive response