Comparison of stack and register implementations of interpreters for a subset of PHP. The interpreters were tested using predefined php-files (fib.php, prime.php...). There are 4 versions: 1 register-interpreter written in GO, 2 stack-interpreters written in GO, and 1 stack interpreter written in C. An overview of the design choices (and errors) can be found in my presentation.
- go compiler
- optional (for v3): gcc
- goyacc (
- nex (∼blynn/nex/)
- stringer (
The version-directories (v1, v2, v3) each contain scripts to run the interpreter (including the compiler) - e.g.:
cd v1
./ ../benchmarks/fib.php
Note: The programs might have to be recompiled (depending on system). Run make
in the respective
and interpreter_stack
Version 1 of stack and register interpreters (and compilers) written in GO.
Version 1 interpreters with ability to record command runtimes.
Version 2: New stack interpreter (reduced command set - no block entries or exists) written in GO.
Version 3: New stack interpreter - this time written in C using direct threaded code. This interpreter uses the same compiler and command-set as v2.
The results of the different benchmarks. A detailed (but not very well annotated) overview can be found in bm.ods. Also contains the source files for the 3 benchmarks.