Demo chatbot that is cabaple of obtaining the capital and population for some countries.
The chatbot covers the following intents:
1- greeting
2- goodbye
3- Check Capital with the following steps:
Select Country
Display capital of that country
- Check Population with the following steps:
Select Country
Display the population of that country.
The chatbot handles fallback scenario as follows:
- if a message of unknown intent is sent, the chatbot will respond with fallback answer.
- if the chatbot failed to identify the intent for 3 successive times, it will respond with quick replies of the services provided.
The chatbot handles API call failure scenarios.
To set up the chatbot follow the steps below:
1- clone the repo
2- head inside the repo folder and open the terminal
3- run "pip install -r requirements.txt"
4- run "pip install "rasa-x==0.40.0 --extra-index-url"
5- run "python -m spacy download en_core_web_md"
6- run rasa x
7- in another terminal run rasa run actions