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The t2-utilization project is one of a series of clients that makes use of the T2 API to show information we need to manage our business. In particular, this app presents daily utilization data that is captured inside T2 in snapshot form. The leadership of the company uses utilization metrics to understand how healthy we are as a business.

What is Utilization Anyway?

TODO: update this to reflect partial allocations

Over time, the company has calculated utilization metrics in a few different ways. After much debate, we have arrived at a definition we are comfortable with. To understand this definition, you need to understand how people and their time in the company are viewed:

  • Staff - Everyone employed by the company is considered to be on staff. The staff is broken down into two primary buckets...
  • Overhead - People (e.g. the CEO) who don't do direct billable work are in a bucket of overhead time. The other component of staff is...
  • Billable - This is the set of people/time which we make available for client work. But, not all of it can be employed at once because...
  • Unassignable - Some people are out on vacation, out sick, out speaking at a conference, etc. The rest are...
  • Assignable - People who we expect to be working on client projects and are in the office. Of these, we have...
  • Billing - People who are working on a billable project in a billable way and...
  • Available - People who could be billing but don't have work at the moment.

Utilization is defined as Billing as a percentage of Assignable. That is, people who are either overhead or who are out of the office (vacation, etc.) are not factored into the utilizatin equations.


This is an ember.js application that uses ember-cli as a build tool. And as mentioned above, it uses the T2 API. So, there's a bit to do to get going with a local build.

Get the API up and running

The first thing to do is to clone the T2 API project locally and get it up and running. Details for how to do that are in the README for that project and outside the scope of this README. Note that you need both the API (usually started via foreman and running on port 5000) and the t2-utilization app (port 8000) to execute the project locally.

Install node, npm, and ember-cli

You'll need to have a reasonably modern version of node.js installed.

brew install node
npm install -g ember-cli
npm install

Install vendor packages

bower install

Ruby Dependency

Yeah, I know, it's a JavaScript app. However, sass is rad, and we like to use it. Oh, what was that? Did you say use libsass? I am aware of it's existence and it seems to lag behind. The majority of people using sass seem to be developing against the latest version and I'd like to use their packages. tl;dr Install you some ruby (see .ruby-version).

rbenv rehash (or rvm magical cd)
bundle install

Fire it up

ember serve --port 8000

And then visit the page at localhost:8000 to verify that it works.


  • Add your public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys via the neo user at
  • Run ember build --env production



  • Known Issue: Edit dist/index.html's ENV.apiHost to be rather than
  • Run scp -r dist/* [email protected]:/var/www/