🏆 Achievement: Top Rated Freelancer on Fiverr 👑 Achieved this status by completing over 120+ orders for 50+ unique clients, all earning 5-star reviews.
Technology Stack:
✅ HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS, Material UI, BEM, SASS, Framer Motion
✅ JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, NextJS, Redux
✅ NodeJS, ExpressJS
✅ MongoDB, PostgreSQL
✅ Git, GitHub
✅ AWS, Vercel
- 💡 I like to explore new technologies and develop software solutions and quick hacks.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Python and React-Native.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on MERN Stack projects with other passionate developers.
- 🥅 2023 Goals: Master Python and contribute to Open Source projects.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I really love to travel and explore new things in my free time.
- 📝 Please have a look at my Resume for more details about me. I'm open to feedback and suggestions!