Compiles the following language (L5) to assembly & generates executables
e ::= (lambda (x ...) e)
| x
| (let ([x e]) e)
| (letrec ([x e]) e)
| (if e e e)
| (new-tuple e ...)
| (begin e e)
| (e e ...) ;; application expression
| prim
| num
prim ::= biop
| pred
| print
| new-array
| aref
| aset
| alen
biop ::= + | - | * | < | <= | =
pred ::= number? | a?
cd data && gcc -m64 -c -O2 -o runtime.o runtime-nogc.c && cd -
stack build
. It should download & install dependencies, but fail to build because of missing modules.- From the project root, run
. This will create the missing modules. stack build