django-project-skel is useful both for kicking off new projects and learning about django and/or ReactJS. It unifies Django, ReactJS, and Webpack to allow for hot code updates, both in the UI (using the excellent webpack-dev-server) and in the backend (using Django's native reloading capability). Django is also configured to use dj_static, which allows for reasonable production performance when serving static assets without the additional hassle of configuring a secondary webserver.
django-project-skel has the following requirements to get started (installing them is described in the following section):
- The Anaconda python distribution
- nodejs + npm
First, install the anaconda python distribution. You can confirm that python is correctly installed by looking at the output of the following command:
$ python -V
Python 2.7.9 :: Continuum Analytics, Inc.
You should see Continuum Analytics in the version string.
Next, install Django and Matt's binstar repository (for a couple of packages not natively available in Anaconda):
conda config --add channels
conda install Django==1.8.1
You can test that django is installed correctly by running
$ django-admin --version
Install nodejs, npm, and grunt. nodejs and npm can be installed from the node js website, After node and npm are installed, you can install grunt with the following command:
npm install -g grunt
That's it! You're ready to create your first project.
Run the following command (substitute "newproject" with whatever you want your project name to be):
django-admin startproject --template= newproject
Once your project has been created, run the following commands to install the dev dependencies:
cd <your project root>
conda install --file requirements.ana
cd <project_name>/ui
npm install
That's all; you're ready to develop.
Run the following two commands in separate terminals to start up the development servers:
./ runserver
cd <project_name>/ui
grunt webpack-dev-server
That will start the django dev server, running on port 8000 and the Webpack dev server running on 8080.