A method to accurately determine GT2 belt tension
Per the 1/64 deflection per inch of belt method
I created three STL's for V2; Front Pins, Sled, and Deflection Knob. These mount a Force Gauge
To set the amount of belt deflection, I am using a #10-32 threaded rod attached to the Deflection Knob
Each 1/2 turn of a #10-32 screw equals 1/64 of an inch.
The first beta version was not accurate, and it was determined that the friction of the belt against the pins was creating incorrect reading.
The first working version (V1) assembly used GT2 idler pulleys for the pins. The results have been within 0.2 pounds.
I am not releasing V1, because V2 was much better.
Thanks to DIYshift, who's tension gauge was used to model the Front stl.
Hard to find this information,
From https://www.sdp-si.com/D265/PDF/D265T050.pdf
DIYshift tension guideline;
Hang a known weight from a section of GT2 belt
Following operating procedure
Verify that the gauge reports the same value as the known weight
Shield: ![Recommended Tension]
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