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Releases: micha149/gulp-maven-deploy

v1.0.0 - Better gulp behavior

29 Aug 07:03
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After a long time in beta status, the 1.0.0 finally arrived. As already announced in the beta release notes, we changed a lot in the api to achieve a better gulp behavior. For upgrading from a 0.x version have a look into the Upgrade guide.

v1.0.0 - Beta Release 5

02 May 07:24
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This is the first (announceable) beta release for the upcoming 1.0.0. The goal of this version was to achieve a better behavior which fits better to the expectations of the common gulp user. The main changes are:

  • The additional nesting level in plugin options was removed #10
  • This plugin will pass files explicitly to gulp-maven, which means that every passed file will be deployed as its own artifact. If you need to create a package, you have to use something like gulp-zip. #8
  • The file name will now be used for the artifact name and the artifact type. #5
  • Callbacks were removed. You can easily use stream events to get notified about error or success events. (9e5dc70)
  • Piped files will be passed cleanly to the next plugin to be able reuse the deployed files. #12

Also the code was a little bit refactored. So, older direct imports of files may not work anymore.

If no bugs occur in the next week, the version 1.0.0 will be released on next monday.

v0.2.2 - Maintenance Release

04 Mar 08:00
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As we noticed an incompatible change in maven-deploy I locked down the 0.x branch to version 1.3.x of maven-deploy…

v0.2.1 Maintenance release

22 Feb 19:01
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I just updated dependencies and refactored unit tests. This should improve refactorings in the future.