This repository includes the Opplafy Tenant Manager software. This service is intended to simplify the creation and management of tenants in a FIWARE solution using Keyrock IDM, API Umbrella, and the Context Broker.
This service exposes an API able to orchestrate the different FIWARE components, creating a tenant organization in Keyrock and Context Broker FIWARE-Service read and write policies in API Umbrella.
In addition, this service configures Business API Ecosystem permissions in order to support the monetization of NGSI data.
docker run -d --name opplafy_tenant_manager -p 5000:5000 opplafy/tenant-manager
The Tenant manager exposes a HTTP API with the following endpoints:
Create Tenant
POST http://tenantservice/tenant
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [access token]
"name": "tenant-name",
"description": "tenant description",
"users": [{
"name": "username",
"roles": ["data-provider"]
As a result of this request a new tenant is created, including a new organization in Keyrock IDM and a set of policies intended to support read and write roles mapped to owner and member organization roles
Get Tenants
This method returns all the tenants the user making the request os owner of
GET http://tenantservice/tenant
Authorization: Bearer [access token]
"id": "tenant-id",
"owner_id": owner,
"tenant_organization": "org-id",
"name": "tenant-name",
"description": "tenant description",
"users": [{
"id": "user-id",
"name": "username",
"roles": ["data-provider"]
Get Tenant
This method returns a particular tenant by tenant ID if the user making the request is authorized to do so
GET http://tenantservice/tenant/[tenant-id]
Authorization: Bearer [access token]
"id": "tenant-id",
"owner_id": owner,
"tenant_organization": "org-id",
"name": "tenant-name",
"description": "tenant description",
"users": [{
"id": "user-id",
"name": "username",
"roles": ["data-provider"]
Update Tenant
This method allows to update tenant information, including adding and removing users, using a JSON Patch format
PATCH http://tenantservice/tenant/[tenant-id]
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [access token]
{"op": "replace", "path": "/description", "value": "New description"},
{"op": "remove", "path": "/users/1"},
{"op": "remove", "path": "/users/2"},
{"op": "add", "path": "/users/-", "value": {"id": "user_id", "name": "user_name", "roles": ["data-provider]}},
{"op": "add", "path": "/users/-", "value": {"id": "user_id2", "name": "user_name2", "roles": ["data-customer"]}}
Get Available Users
This method returns the available users in the IDM that can be incorporated into a tenant
GET http://tenantservice/user
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [access token]
"users": [
"id": "2d6f5391-6130-48d8-a9d0-01f20699a7eb",
"username": "alice",
"email": "[email protected]",
"enabled": true,
"gravatar": false,
"date_password": "2018-03-20T09:31:07.000Z",
"description": null,
"website": null