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Matthews-Findler lump embedding with inference
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michaelballantyne committed Dec 26, 2024
1 parent 1e0b85b commit 858015f
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Showing 3 changed files with 448 additions and 0 deletions.
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions tests/dsls/matthews-findler/lump-inferred.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
#lang racket/base

(provide (all-defined-out)
(for-space ml (all-defined-out)))


(only-in syntax-spec/private/ee-lib/main lookup in-space)))

(binding-class ml-var
#:reference-compiler (make-variable-like-reference-compiler

(nonterminal ml-expr
#:binding-space ml
(~> x:id
#:when (not (lookup #'x (binding-class-predicate ml-var)))
(syntax/loc #'x (MR x)))

(app e1:ml-expr e2:ml-expr)
(+ e1:ml-expr e2:ml-expr)
(- e1:ml-expr e2:ml-expr)
(if0 e1:ml-expr e2:ml-expr e3:ml-expr)
(lambda ([x:ml-var t:ml-type]) e:ml-expr)
#:binding (scope (bind x) e)

(MR e:racket-expr)
(: e:ml-expr t:ml-type)

(~> (e1 e2)
#'(app e1 e2))


(nonterminal ml-type
#:binding-space ml
(-> t1:ml-type t2:ml-type))

(RM e:ml-expr)
(compile-RM #'e))

(ml e:ml-expr)
(define-values (e^ t) (infer-type #'e))
#`(ml->racket #,e^)))

(struct ml-value [v t])

(define (seal e t)
(ml-value e t))

(define (unseal e t)
(unless (ml-value? e)
(error 'MR "not an ML value"))
(let ([v (ml-value-v e)]
[t (ml-value-t e)])
(if (equal? t t)
(error 'unseal "type mismatch"))))

(define (compile-RM e)
(define-values (e^ t) (infer-type e))
#`(seal (ml->racket #,e^) #'#,t))

;; No type variables yet, so should just be datum equality.
(define (assert-type-equal! actual expected term)
(unless (equal? (syntax->datum actual) (syntax->datum expected))
(raise-syntax-error 'ml
(format "type mismatch: expected ~a, found ~a"
(syntax->datum expected)
(syntax->datum actual))
(list actual expected))))

(define-local-symbol-table type-env)

(define (type-env-ref x)
(symbol-table-ref type-env x #'Nat))

(define (type-env-extend! x t)
(symbol-table-set! type-env x t))

(define (infer-type e)
(syntax-parse e
#:datum-literals (app + - if0 lambda MR)
(values #'x (type-env-ref #'x))]
(values e #'Nat)]
[(app e1 e2)
(define-values (e1^ t1) (infer-type #'e1))
(syntax-parse t1
#:datum-literals (->)
[(-> argt rett)
(define e2^ (check-type! #'e2 #'argt))
(values #`(app #,e1^ #,e2^) #'rett)]
(raise-syntax-error 'ml "type mismatch: expected function type" this-syntax)])]
[(+ e1 e2)
(define e1^ (check-type! #'e1 #'Nat))
(define e2^ (check-type! #'e2 #'Nat))
(values #`(+ #,e1^ #,e2^) #'Nat)]
[(- e1 e2)
(define e1^ (check-type! #'e1 #'Nat))
(define e2^ (check-type! #'e2 #'Nat))
(values #`(- #,e1^ #,e2^) #'Nat)]
[(if0 e1 e2 e3)
(define e1^ (check-type! #'e1 #'Nat))
(define-values (e2^ t2) (infer-type #'e2))
(define e3^ (check-type! #'e3 t2))
(values #`(if0 #,e1^ #,e2^ #,e3^) t2)]
[(lambda ([x xt]) b)
(type-env-extend! #'x #'xt)
(define-values (b^ rett) (infer-type #'b))
(values #`(lambda ([x xt]) #,b^) #`(-> xt #,rett))]
[(MR e)
(raise-syntax-error 'ml "Cannot infer type in this position" this-syntax)]
[(: e t)
(define e^ (check-type! #'e #'t))
(values e^ #'t)]))

(define (check-type! e t)
(syntax-parse e
#:datum-literals (app MR)
[(app e1 e2)
(define-values (e2^ t2) (infer-type #'e2))
(define e1^ (check-type! #'e1 #`(-> #,t2 #,t)))
#`(app #,e1^ #,e2^)]
[(MR e)
#`(MR e #,t)]
(define-values (e^ inferred-t) (infer-type e))
(assert-type-equal! inferred-t t e)

(define-syntax ml->racket
#:datum-literals (app + - if0 lambda)
[(_ x:id)
[(_ n:number)
[(_ (app e1 e2))
#'((ml->racket e1) (ml->racket e2))]
[(_ (+ e1 e2))
#'(+ (ml->racket e1) (ml->racket e2))]
[(_ (- e1 e2))
#'(max (- (ml->racket e1) (ml->racket e2)) 0)]
[(_ (if0 e1 e2 e3))
#'(if (zero? (ml->racket e1)) (ml->racket e2) (ml->racket e3))]
[(_ (lambda ([x t]) b))
#'(lambda (x) (ml->racket b))]
[(_ (MR e t))
#'(unseal e #'t)]))

(module+ test
(require syntax/macro-testing

(define-syntax-rule (check-type-error expr expected-msg)
(λ (e) (regexp-match? expected-msg (exn-message e)))
(λ () (convert-compile-time-error expr))))

(check-equal? (ml 5) 5)
(check-equal? (ml (+ 1 2)) 3)
(check-equal? (ml ((lambda ([x Nat]) x) 42)) 42)
(check-equal? (ml ((lambda ([x Nat]) (- x (MR (RM 1)))) 0)) 0)
(check-equal? (ml ((lambda ([f (-> Nat Nat)]) (f 5)) (lambda ([x Nat]) x))) 5)

(check-equal? (let ([f (RM (lambda ([x Nat]) x))])
(ml (+ (f 5) 1)))

(check-equal? (ml ((lambda ([x Nat]) (+ (MR (let ([v x]) v)) 1)) 5))

(ml (lambda ([x Nat]) (+ (MR (RM x)) 1)))

(ml (app (lambda ([x Nat]) x) (lambda ([y Nat]) y)))
#rx"type mismatch: expected Nat")

(ml (app 5 3))
#rx"type mismatch: expected function type")

(ml (if0 0 5 (lambda ([x Nat]) x)))
#rx"type mismatch: expected Nat")

(ml (MR 5))
#rx"Cannot infer type in this position")

#rx"MR: not an ML value"
(lambda () (ml (+ (MR 5) 1))))

130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions tests/dsls/matthews-findler/lump.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#lang racket/base

(require syntax-spec (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))

(binding-class ml-var #:binding-space ml)

(nonterminal ml-expr
#:binding-space ml
(app e1:ml-expr e2:ml-expr)
(+ e1:ml-expr e2:ml-expr)
(- e1:ml-expr e2:ml-expr)
(if0 e1:ml-expr e2:ml-expr e3:ml-expr)
(lambda ([x:ml-var t:ml-type]) e:ml-expr)
#:binding (scope (bind x) e)

(MR e:racket-expr t:ml-type)

(~> (e1 e2)
#'(app e1 e2)))

(nonterminal ml-type
#:binding-space ml
(-> t1:ml-type t2:ml-type))

(RM e:ml-expr t:ml-type)
(check-type! #'e #'t)
#'(seal (ml->racket e) #'t))

(ml e:ml-expr t:ml-type)
(check-type! #'e #'t)
#'(ml->racket e)))

(struct ml-value [v t])

(define (seal e t)
(ml-value e t))

(define (unseal e t)
(unless (ml-value? e)
(error 'MR "not an ML value"))
(let ([v (ml-value-v e)]
[t (ml-value-t e)])
(if (equal? t t)
(error 'unseal "type mismatch"))))

;; No type variables yet, so should just be datum equality.
(define (assert-type-equal! actual expected term)
(unless (equal? (syntax->datum actual) (syntax->datum expected))
(raise-syntax-error 'ml
(format "type mismatch: expected ~a, found ~a"
(syntax->datum expected)
(syntax->datum actual))
(list actual expected))))

(define-local-symbol-table type-env)

(define (type-env-ref x)
(symbol-table-ref type-env x #'Nat))

(define (type-env-extend! x t)
(symbol-table-set! type-env x t))

(define (infer-type e)
(syntax-parse e
#:datum-literals (app + - if0 lambda)
(type-env-ref #'x)]
[(app e1 e2)
(define t1 (infer-type #'e1))
(syntax-parse t1
#:datum-literals (->)
[(-> argt rett)
(check-type! #'e2 #'argt)
[(+ e1 e2)
(check-type! #'e1 #'Nat)
(check-type! #'e2 #'Nat)
[(- e1 e2)
(check-type! #'e1 #'Nat)
(check-type! #'e2 #'Nat)
[(if0 e1 e2 e3)
(check-type! #'e1 #'Nat)
(define t2 (infer-type #'e2))
(check-type! #'e3 t2)
[(lambda ([x xt]) b)
(type-env-extend! #'x #'xt)
(define/syntax-parse rett (infer-type #'b))
#'(-> xt rett)]
[(MR e t)

(define (check-type! e t)
(assert-type-equal! (infer-type e) t e)))

(define-syntax ml->racket
#:datum-literals (app + - if0 lambda)
[(_ x:id)
[(_ n:number)
[(_ (app e1 e2))
#'((ml->racket e1) (ml->racket e2))]
[(_ (+ e1 e2))
#'(+ (ml->racket e1) (ml->racket e2))]
[(_ (- e1 e2))
#'(max (- (ml->racket e1) (ml->racket e2)) 0)]
[(_ (if0 e1 e2 e3))
#'(if (zero? (ml->racket e1)) (ml->racket e2) (ml->racket e3))]
[(_ (lambda ([x t]) b))
#'(lambda (x) (ml->racket b))]
[(_ (MR e t))
#'(unseal e #'t)]))

(ml ((lambda ([x Nat]) (- x (MR (RM 1 Nat) Nat))) 0) Nat)

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