This is a wrapper function for the ChainLadder::as.triangle()
function. This is for those who have noticed column gaps when using
to convert claims data to the triangle format.
For example, this can occur when there are no claims in certain
development periods. This affects downstream functions such as
which may not take into account claims for some books with
long tails, say, claims don’t occur for a long time e.g. between 5 and 7
development period and then claims come in in the 10th development
period. This results in the cumulative triangle cutting off where you
don’t expect.
This function aims to make sure that the “Triangle” input for the
function has all the unique origin periods and all
development periods are taken into account resulting in a sort of
perfect half square.
This is done by creating a skeleton using the unique origin periods and
sequencing the length of these origin periods from 1. The data is then
merged with the skeleton then passed through the traditional as.triangle
as_triangle <- function(data, origin, dev, value, start = 1, delay = 1) {
# create skeleton
unique_origins <- unique(data[[origin]])
dev_period <- seq(from = start, to = length(unique_origins), by = delay)
triangle_skeleton <- expand.grid(unique_origins, dev_period, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(triangle_skeleton) <- c(origin, dev)
complete_skeleton <- merge(triangle_skeleton, data[, c(origin, dev, value)], by = c(origin, dev), all.x = TRUE)
incremental_triangle <- ChainLadder::as.triangle(
Triangle = complete_skeleton,
origin = origin,
dev = dev,
value = value
I foresee a problem when you have "empty" origin periods. For example, a specific origin period between origin periods is not present in your data. The labelling of the development periods would not be accurate.