This readme has become outdated w.r.t my recent developments. The model presented here was sufficient for my ME 762 report (discussed below), but is being re-evaluated as I have some free time at the moment. The new model is capable of establishing stability via a simple PD controller, unlike that which is discussed here.
This repository serves as the testing grounds for my project in the Boston University class ME 762. I will be attempting to simulate and control a simple hummingbird robot - modelled as a 3-D point-mass with assorted dynamics.
The control paramters are a single lift force pushing through the bird's center of mass
The state space form, represented by a second-order system of five continuous parameters is shown below.
Before describing the equation of motions we can characterize the inputs in terms of the lift force on the COM, and the torque about the two principle axes.
Making the dynamics for the hummingbird...
Where the scalar coefficient