This is a (very) barebones proof-of-concept for an Arabic romanization API.
Tentatively supports ArabEasy romanization scheme: ArabEasy Homepage and Academic writeup. ArabEasy was chosen primarily for it's compatibility with typical English-language keyboards, reversible design, and overall simplicity. I highly recommend reading more about it's design in the provided links.
API interface is pre-design.
##To Try It
Start Server
npm install; npm start
Run Example
sh example.js
Or execute with cURL directly:
(N.B. "text" can be either romanized or Arabic script copied from another source):
curl -X GET -v \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
http://localhost:3000/test \
-d '{"text": "your text here"}'
curl -X GET -v \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
http://localhost:3000/test \
-d '{"text": "با"}'
- built using Node v0.12.4
- requires ES6 generators and block scoping
- API does not currently support sending characters as the literal Unicode codepoint (i.e.
-d '{"text": "\u0636"}'