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Implement restarts in OpenMM. [ref #194]
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lohedges committed May 17, 2021
1 parent 099dbfa commit b32c180
Showing 1 changed file with 156 additions and 58 deletions.
214 changes: 156 additions & 58 deletions python/BioSimSpace/Process/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,6 +165,9 @@ def __init__(self, system, protocol, exe=None, name="openmm",
# Create the list of input files.
self._input_files = [self._config_file, self._rst_file, self._top_file]

# Initialise the log file header.
self._header = None

# Now set up the working directory for the process.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -400,6 +403,10 @@ def _generate_config(self):
self.addToConfig("if inpcrd.boxVectors is not None:")
self.addToConfig(" simulation.context.setPeriodicBoxVectors(*inpcrd.boxVectors)")

# Set initial velocities from temperature distribution.
self.addToConfig("\n# Setting intial system velocities.")

# Work out the number of integration steps.
steps = _math.ceil(self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep())

Expand All @@ -415,11 +422,9 @@ def _generate_config(self):

# Add the reporters.
self.addToConfig("\n# Add reporters.")
self._add_config_reporters(state_interval=report_interval, traj_interval=restart_interval)

# Set initial velocities from temperature distribution.
self.addToConfig("\n# Setting intial system velocities.")

# Now run the simulation.
self.addToConfig("\n# Run the simulation.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,6 +469,9 @@ def _generate_config(self):
# Write the OpenMM import statements.

# Production specific import.
self.addToConfig("import os")

# Load the input files.
self.addToConfig("\n# Load the topology and coordinate files.")
self.addToConfig(f"prmtop = AmberPrmtopFile('{self._name}.prm7')")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -529,9 +537,24 @@ def _generate_config(self):
self.addToConfig("if inpcrd.boxVectors is not None:")
self.addToConfig(" simulation.context.setPeriodicBoxVectors(*inpcrd.boxVectors)")

# Set initial velocities from temperature distribution.
self.addToConfig("\n# Setting intial system velocities.")

# Check for a restart file and load the simulation state.
is_restart, step = self._add_config_restart()

# Work out the number of integration steps.
steps = _math.ceil(self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep())

# Subtract the current number of steps.
steps -= step

# Exit if the simulation has already finished.
if steps <= 0:
print("The simulation has already finished!")

# Get the report and restart intervals.
report_interval = self._protocol.getReportInterval()
restart_interval = self._protocol.getRestartInterval()
Expand All @@ -544,15 +567,24 @@ def _generate_config(self):

# Add the reporters.
self.addToConfig("\n# Add reporters.")
self._add_config_reporters(state_interval=report_interval, traj_interval=restart_interval)

# Set initial velocities from temperature distribution.
self.addToConfig("\n# Setting intial system velocities.")
# Work out the total simulation time in picoseconds.
run_time = steps * timestep

# Work out the number of cycles in 100 picosecond intervals.
cycles = _math.ceil(run_time / 100)

# Work out the number of steps per cycle.
steps_per_cycle = int(steps / cycles)

# Now run the simulation.
self.addToConfig("\n# Run the simulation.")
self.addToConfig("\n# Run the simulation in 100 picosecond cycles.")
self.addToConfig(f"for x in range(0, {cycles}):")
self.addToConfig(f" simulation.step({steps_per_cycle})")
self.addToConfig(f" simulation.saveState('{self._name}.xml')")

elif type(self._protocol) is _Protocol.Metadynamics:
colvar = self._protocol.getCollectiveVariable()
Expand All @@ -577,6 +609,7 @@ def _generate_config(self):
self.addToConfig("from metadynamics import *") # Use local patched metadynamics module.
self.addToConfig("from glob import glob")
self.addToConfig("import math")
self.addToConfig("import os")
self.addToConfig("import shutil")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -724,32 +757,51 @@ def _generate_config(self):

self.addToConfig("\n# Initialise the metadynamics object.")
if self._protocol.getBiasFactor() is None:
bias = 1.0
bias = self._protocol.getBiasFactor()
self.addToConfig(f"bias = {bias}")
height = self._protocol.getHillHeight().kj_per_mol().magnitude()
freq = self._protocol.getHillFrequency()

# Work out the number of integration steps.
steps = _math.ceil(self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep())
# Get the number of steps to date.
step = 0
if _os.path.isfile(f"{self._work_dir}/{self._name}.xml"):
if _os.path.isfile(f"{self._work_dir}/{self._name}.log"):
with open(f"{self._work_dir}/{self._name}.log", "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
last_line = lines[-1].split()
step = int(last_line[0])
raise IOError(f"Missing log file: '{self._name}.log'")

# Get the report and restart intervals.
report_interval = self._protocol.getReportInterval()
restart_interval = self._protocol.getRestartInterval()

# Cap the intervals at the total number of steps.
if report_interval > steps:
report_interval = steps
if restart_interval > steps:
restart_interval = steps
# Work out the number of integration steps.
total_steps = _math.ceil(self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep())

# Work out the number of cycles.
cycles = _math.ceil(steps / report_interval)
total_cycles = _math.ceil(total_steps / report_interval)

# Subtract the current number of steps.
remaining_steps = total_steps - step

self.addToConfig(f"meta = Metadynamics(system, [proj, ext], {temperature}*kelvin, {bias}, {height}*kilojoules_per_mole, {freq}, biasDir = '.', saveFrequency = {report_interval})")
# Exit if the simulation has already finished.
if remaining_steps <= 0:
print("The simulation has already finished!")

# Cap the intervals at the total number of steps.
if report_interval > remaining_steps:
report_interval = remaining_steps
if restart_interval > remaining_steps:
restart_interval = remaining_steps

self.addToConfig("\n# Initialise the metadynamics object.")
if self._protocol.getBiasFactor() is None:
bias = 1.0000001
bias = self._protocol.getBiasFactor()
self.addToConfig(f"bias = {bias}")
height = self._protocol.getHillHeight().kj_per_mol().magnitude()
freq = self._protocol.getHillFrequency()

self.addToConfig(f"meta = Metadynamics(system, [proj, ext], {temperature}*kelvin, bias, {height}*kilojoules_per_mole, {freq}, biasDir = '.', saveFrequency = {report_interval})")

# Get the integration time step from the protocol.
timestep = self._protocol.getTimeStep().picoseconds().magnitude()
Expand All @@ -776,54 +828,54 @@ def _generate_config(self):
self.addToConfig("if inpcrd.boxVectors is not None:")
self.addToConfig(" simulation.context.setPeriodicBoxVectors(*inpcrd.boxVectors)")

# Work out the number of integration.
steps = _math.ceil(self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep())

# Set initial velocities from temperature distribution.
self.addToConfig("\n# Setting intial system velocities.")

self.addToConfig("\n# Look for a restart file.")
self.addToConfig(f"if os.path.isfile('{self._name}.chk'):")
self.addToConfig(f" simulation.loadCheckpoint('{self._name}.chk')")
self.addToConfig(f" shutil.copy('{self._name}.out','old_{self._name}.out')")
self.addToConfig(f" sim_log_file = [ line[:-2] for line in open('{self._name}.out').readlines()]")
self.addToConfig( " current_steps = int(sim_log_file[-1].split(',')[1])")
self.addToConfig( " steps -= current_steps")
self.addToConfig( " shutil.copy('COLVAR.npy','old_COLVAR.npy')")
self.addToConfig( " shutil.copy('HILLS','old_HILLS')")
self.addToConfig(f" shutil.copy('{self._name}.dcd','old_{self._name}.dcd')")
# Check for a restart file and load the simulation state.
is_restart, step = self._add_config_restart()

# Add the reporters.
self.addToConfig("\n# Add reporters.")
self._add_config_reporters(state_interval=report_interval, traj_interval=restart_interval)
self.addToConfig(f"simulation.reporters.append(CheckpointReporter('{self._name}.chk', {report_interval}))")

# Create the HILLS file.
self.addToConfig("\n# Create PLUMED compatible HILLS file.")
self.addToConfig("file = open('HILLS','w')")
self.addToConfig("file = open('HILLS','a')")
self.addToConfig("file.write('#! FIELDS time pp.proj pp.ext sigma_pp.proj sigma_pp.ext height biasf\\n')")
self.addToConfig("file.write('#! SET multivariate false\\n')")
self.addToConfig("file.write('#! SET kerneltype gaussian\\n')")

# Get the initial collective variables.
self.addToConfig("\n# Initialise the collective variable array.")
self.addToConfig("current_cvs = np.array(list(meta.getCollectiveVariables(simulation)) + [meta.getHillHeight(simulation)])")
self.addToConfig("colvar_array = np.array([current_cvs])")

# Write the initial record.
self.addToConfig("\n# Write the inital collective variable record.")
self.addToConfig("line = colvar_array[0]")
self.addToConfig("time = 0")
self.addToConfig("write_line = f'{time:15} {line[0]:20.16f} {line[1]:20.16f} {sigma_proj} {sigma_ext} {line[2]:20.16f} {bias}\\n'")
self.addToConfig("if is_restart:")
self.addToConfig(" if os.path.isfile('COLVAR.npy'):")
self.addToConfig(" colvar_array = np.load('COLVAR.npy')")
self.addToConfig(" colvar_array = np.append(colvar_array, [current_cvs], axis=0)")
self.addToConfig(" else:")
self.addToConfig(" raise IOError('Missing COLVAR file: COLVAR.npy')")
self.addToConfig(" colvar_array = np.array([current_cvs])")
self.addToConfig(" line = colvar_array[0]")
self.addToConfig(" time = 0")
self.addToConfig(" write_line = f'{time:15} {line[0]:20.16f} {line[1]:20.16f} {sigma_proj} {sigma_ext} {line[2]:20.16f} {bias}\\n'")
self.addToConfig(" file.write(write_line)")

# Run the metadynamics simulation.
self.addToConfig("\n# Run the simulation.")
self.addToConfig(f"steps = {steps}")
self.addToConfig(f"cycles = {cycles}")
self.addToConfig(f"steps_per_cycle = int({steps}/cycles)")
self.addToConfig( "for x in range(0, cycles):")
self.addToConfig(f"total_steps = {total_steps}")
self.addToConfig(f"total_cycles = {total_cycles}")
self.addToConfig(f"remaining_steps = {remaining_steps}")
self.addToConfig( "steps_per_cycle = math.ceil(total_steps / total_cycles)")
self.addToConfig( "remaining_cycles = math.ceil(remaining_steps / steps_per_cycle)")
self.addToConfig(f"start_cycles = total_cycles - remaining_cycles")
self.addToConfig( "for x in range(start_cycles, total_cycles):")
self.addToConfig( " meta.step(simulation, steps_per_cycle)")
self.addToConfig( " current_cvs = np.array(list(meta.getCollectiveVariables(simulation)) + [meta.getHillHeight(simulation)])")
self.addToConfig( " colvar_array = np.append(colvar_array, [current_cvs], axis=0)")
Expand All @@ -832,10 +884,13 @@ def _generate_config(self):
self.addToConfig(f" time = int((x+1) * {timestep}*steps_per_cycle)")
self.addToConfig( " write_line = f'{time:15} {line[0]:20.16f} {line[1]:20.16f} {sigma_proj} {sigma_ext} {line[2]:20.16f} {bias}\\n'")
self.addToConfig( " file.write(write_line)")
self.addToConfig( " # Record state every 100 picoseconds.")
self.addToConfig( " if int(x*steps_per_cycle) % 50000 == 0:")
self.addToConfig(f" simulation.saveState('{self._name}.xml')")

# Create a dummy PLUMED input file so that we can bind PLUMED
# analysis functions to this process.
self._plumed = _Plumed(self._work_dir, is_analysis=False)
self._plumed = _Plumed(self._work_dir)
plumed_config, auxillary_files = self._plumed.createConfig(self._system,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1560,6 +1615,32 @@ def _add_config_platform(self):
self.addToConfig("properties = {'OpenCLDeviceIndex': '%s'}" % opencl_devices)

def _add_config_restart(self):
"""Helper function to check for a restart file and load state information."""

self.addToConfig( "\n# Check for a restart file.")
self.addToConfig(f"if os.path.isfile('{self._name}.xml'):")
self.addToConfig( " is_restart = True")
self.addToConfig(f" simulation.loadState('{self._name}.xml')")
self.addToConfig(f" if not os.path.isfile('{self._name}.log'):")
self.addToConfig(f" raise IOError('Missing log file: {self._name}.log')")
self.addToConfig(f" with open('{self._name}.log', 'r') as f:")
self.addToConfig( " lines = f.readlines()")
self.addToConfig( " last_line = lines[-1].split()")
self.addToConfig( " step = int(last_line[0])")
self.addToConfig( " simulation.currentStep = step")
self.addToConfig( "else:")
self.addToConfig( " is_restart = False")

if _os.path.isfile(f"{self._work_dir}/{self._name}.xml"):
with open(f"{self._work_dir}/{self._name}.log", "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
last_line = lines[-1].split()
step = int(last_line[0])
return True, step
return False, 0

def _add_config_monkey_patches(self):
"""Helper function to write any monkey-patches to the OpenMM Python
script (config file).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1588,7 +1669,7 @@ def _add_config_monkey_patches(self):
# Replace the writeModel method with the monkey-patch.
self.addToConfig("DCDFile.writeModel = writeModelPatched")

def _add_config_reporters(self, state_interval=100, traj_interval=500):
def _add_config_reporters(self, state_interval=100, traj_interval=500, is_restart=False):
"""Helper function to write the reporter (output statements) section
to the OpenMM Python script (config file).
Expand All @@ -1602,6 +1683,9 @@ def _add_config_reporters(self, state_interval=100, traj_interval=500):
traj_interval : int
The frequency at which to write trajectory frames in
integration steps.
is_restart : bool
Whether the simulation is a restart.
if type(state_interval) is not int:
raise TypeError("'state_interval' must be of type 'int'.")
Expand All @@ -1611,12 +1695,15 @@ def _add_config_reporters(self, state_interval=100, traj_interval=500):
raise TypeError("'traj_interval' must be of type 'int'.")
if traj_interval <= 0:
raise ValueError("'traj_interval' must be a positive integer.")
if type(is_restart) is not bool:
raise TypeError("'is_restart' must be of type 'bool'.")

# Append to a trajectory file every 500 steps.
self.addToConfig(f"simulation.reporters.append(DCDReporter('{self._name}.dcd', {traj_interval}))")
self.addToConfig(f"simulation.reporters.append(DCDReporter('{self._name}.dcd', {traj_interval}, append={is_restart}))")

# Write state information to file every 100 steps.
self.addToConfig(f"log_file = open('{self._name}.log', 'a')")
self.addToConfig(f" {state_interval},")
self.addToConfig( " step=True,")
self.addToConfig( " time=True,")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1652,6 +1739,17 @@ def _update_stdout_dict(self):

# This is the header record.
if line[0] == "#":
if self._header is None:
# Store the header.
self._header = line
# If this is a restart, make sure the information in the file
# is consistent.
if line != self._header:
raise _IncompatibleError("Mismatch in the log file header.! "
f"Original header: '{self._header}', "
f"Current header: '{line}'")

# Work out what records are in the file and the separator
# that is used. While we use a standard format, this makes
# sure that we can still parse the log file if the user
Expand Down

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