Hello everyone! In these days I have taken my old script "Ut repartitioning tool" and I have added the graphical interface. The program was created with PyQT5 and compiled with nuitka. For now the program is only available for linux but in the next few days they will compile it for all the other platforms.
Warning: The creator of the program is not responsible in any way for damage to your device!
Warning: this is the first version of the programm, if you find some problems open an issues!
To use the program (no GUI) for all platforms apart from windows go here:
To use the program just download the binary file and run it in the terminal (if you want to see if there are any errors) or simply by double clicking on it
Now avaible only for linux and for Windows
Before starting the program write to the terminal:
$ sudo apt install adb
To use this program on windows download the latest zip file, unzip in a folder and start as administrator start-and-fix.bat
Warning! Not tested on phone!
Only now for Mac OS If you want to use this program on mac before the official porting, run
$ brew install android-platform-tools
Then download the resource codes and start UT-repartitioning-tool.py
I am 13 years old and I really like computer science and programming. If you think this programm was useful for you, you can support me by donating bitcoins to the following address: