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microlith57 edited this page Mar 15, 2023 · 8 revisions

Another Lönn Plugin


Configuration is stored at:

  • %localappdata%\Loenn\Plugins\AnotherLoennPlugin\Settings.conf (Windows)
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Lönn/Plugins/AnotherLoennPlugin/settings.conf (Mac)
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Lönn/Plugins/AnotherLoennPlugin/settings.conf or ~/.config/Lönn/Plugins/AnotherLoennPlugin/settings.conf (Linux)


Each feature has an _enable toggle; some have additional configuration.

colorgrade_preview (only if installed)

Adds a menu option to preview the colorgrade set in the map metadata.


Adds coordinate viewer panel, and displays cursors marking the coordinates (like Celeste's debug view).

  • hotkey: keybind to toggle the panel and cursors; "`" by default
  • cursor_length: length of the cursor lines; 6 pixels by default


Allows panning the map using the keyboard.

  • hotkey_right: keybind to pan to the left; "d" by default
  • hotkey_up: keybind to pan to the left; "w" by default
  • hotkey_down: keybind to pan to the left; "s" by default
  • speed: number of pixels on the screen to pan in each direction per second; 1024 by default,
  • time_after_each_keypress_to_allow_movement: number of seconds after each keypress happens in which holding a key results in a pan; a larger value means that typing in textboxes may result in accidental panning, while a smaller one can cause jerky movement at the start of a pan; 1 by default


Makes the parallax texture field a filepicker, so you can select images from the graphics dump or mod folders.


Adds a tool to move selected rooms / fillers.


Disables the 40×23 minimum room size when resizing rooms while a key is held.

  • modifier: modifier key (must be a single key like shift, ctrl, alt); "ctrl" by default


Adds keybinds to snap selected objects to a configurable grid (relative to the map origin), and to view that grid.

  • grid_spacing_x: pixels between vertical grid lines; 8 by default
  • grid_spacing_y: pixels between horizontal grid lines; 8 by default
  • hotkey_snapLeft: snap the selected items leftwards; "ctrl + shift + left" by default
  • hotkey_snapRight: snap the selected items rightwards; "ctrl + shift + right" by default
  • hotkey_snapUp: snap the selected items upwards; "ctrl + shift + up" by default
  • hotkey_snapDown: snap the selected items downwards; "ctrl + shift + down" by default
  • hotkey_snapNeutral: snap the selected items to the nearest grid intersection; "shift + s" by default
  • snapping_mode: "individual" by default; options are:
    • "individual": snaps each item individually, like in Ahorn
    • "first": snaps first item's position to grid; moves others by same amount
    • "centroid": snaps selection's centre of mass to grid
  • hotkey_toggle_grid: toggle the grid display; "ctrl + shift + g" by default


Allows using the Lönn rotation/flipping keybinds on vanilla spike entities.

  • rotation_pivot: "centroid" by default; options are:
    • "centroid": rotate around the centre of the spike entity
    • "position": rotate around the position of the spike entity, which is the top-left corner


Adds menu options to preview the parallax stylegrounds in the selected room.