This python package implements two novel tuning-free MCMC algorithms, an ideal geodesic slice sampler based on accept/reject strategy and a shrinkage-based geodesic slice sampler to sample from spherical distributions on arbitrary dimensions. The package also includes the implementation of random-walk Metropolis-Hastings (RWMH) and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) whose step-size parameter is automatically tuned. As shown in our paper, our algorithms have outperformed RWMH and HMC for spherical distributions. To reproduce the results in the paper, see this section. However, to get started, please install the package and follow along with the demo to illustrate the use of the algorithm as given below.
GeoSSS is available for installation from PyPI. Therefore, simply type:
pip install geosss
We consider a target that is a mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions on
This demo can be created with the below script.
import geosss as gs
import numpy as np
# parameters for mixture of von Mises-Fisher (vMF)
# distributions
d = 3 # required dimension
K = 3 # number of mixture components
kappa = 80.0 # concentration parameter
# mus (mean directions) of the vMF mixture components
mus = np.array([[0.86981638, -0.37077248, 0.32549536],
[-0.19772391, -0.89279985, -0.40473902],
[0.19047726, 0.22240888, -0.95616562]])
# target pdf
vmfs = [gs.VonMisesFisher(kappa*mu) for mu in mus]
pdf = gs.MixtureModel(vmfs)
# sampler parameters
n_samples = int(1e3) # no. of samples
burnin = int(0.1 * n_samples) # burnin samples
seed = 3521 # sampler seed
# initial state of the samplers
init_state = np.array([-0.86333052, 0.18685286, -0.46877117])
# sampling with the four samplers
samples = {}
# geoSSS (reject): ideal geodesic slice sampler
rsss = gs.RejectionSphericalSliceSampler(pdf, init_state, seed)
samples['sss-reject'] = rsss.sample(n_samples, burnin)
# geoSSS (shrink): shrinkage-based geodesic slice sampler
ssss = gs.ShrinkageSphericalSliceSampler(pdf, init_state, seed)
samples['sss-shrink'] = ssss.sample(n_samples, burnin)
# RWMH: random-walk Metropolis Hastings
rwmh = gs.MetropolisHastings(pdf, init_state, seed)
samples['rwmh'] = rwmh.sample(n_samples, burnin)
# HMC: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
hmc = gs.SphericalHMC(pdf, init_state, seed)
samples['hmc'] = hmc.sample(n_samples, burnin)
# visualize samples in 3d
gs.compare_samplers_3d(pdf, samples)
It is preferable to install the package in the development mode for modifications. Additionally, this will also ensure reproducibility of the results from the numerical illustrations section of the paper.
Clone the repository and navigate to the root of the folder,
git clone
cd geosss
You can now create a virtual environment (with conda
for example),
conda create --name geosss-venv python=3.11 # or python >= 3.10, < 3.13
conda activate geosss-venv
The dependencies can be installed in this environment with pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, because the pyproject.toml
file is based on the python package manager Poetry, it is possible to install with poetry
in the activated conda
poetry install --all-extras --sync
For reproducing the results in the paper, please check the scripts directory. Precomputed results can also be downloaded from Zenodo and plotted with these scripts.
If you use this package or ideas from the paper, please consider citing us.
title={Geodesic slice sampling on the sphere},
author={Michael Habeck and Mareike Hasenpflug and Shantanu Kodgirwar and Daniel Rudolf},