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Lync Connector Configuration

Nilesh Ghodekar edited this page Feb 16, 2016 · 10 revisions

Before You Begin

Before you begin you must download and install FIM PowerShell connector version 1.0.419.911 or later.

You also need to create a user account in AD to be used as the management agent account. This is the user that will be used by the connector to connect to the Lync Server and perform management tasks.

This management agent account needs to be granted Lync User Administrator privilege. This privilege can be granted by adding the account to the RTCUniversalUserAdmins universal security group.

The management agent account also needs to be granted remote management permission on the Lync server. On Windows Server 2012, this permission can be granted by making the management account a member of "Remote Management Users" local security group on the Lync Server. On Windows Server 2008, this permission can be granted by executing following cmdlet at the elevated PowerShell command prompt and assigning Full Control (All Operations) right.

Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name Microsoft.PowerShell -showSecurityDescriptorUI

Deploying Lync Connector Space Schema File

The connector space schema for the Lync Connector is defined in the Schema-Lync.xml. This files needs to be copied to the <FIM_INSTALLDIR>\2010\Synchronization Service\Extensions folder before attempting to configure the connector.

Configuring Connector

You have two options to create the management agent. 1. Create a new management agent from scratch or 2. Import the management agent from the MA export config file. Both the options lead of an identical configuration wizard with the only major difference being in the second option the configuration is pre-populated.

To Import Lync connector for the MA export config file,

  • Ensure that you have installed FIM PowerShell Connector.

  • Ensure that Schema-Lync.xml is copied to the <FIM_INSTALLDIR>\2010\Synchronization Service\Extensions folder.

  • In the Synchronization Service Manager, on Management Agents tab in Actions pane, click Import Management Agent.

  • Browse to the folder where you downloaded LyncConnectorConfigExport.xml and open the file. This will launch the Create Management Agent wizard.

  • On the Create Management Agent page, type a suitable name for the management agent.

Lync Connector - Create Management Agent

  • On the Connectivity page, enter the following details:
Settings Configuration
Server Lync Admin Server PowerShell URI e.g.
User svc_fim_s4bma
Password **********
Impersonate Connector Account Unchecked
Load User Profile When Impersonating NA
Logon Type When Impersonating NA
Signed Scripts Only Unchecked
Common Module Script Name (with extension) Lync.Common.psm1
Common Module Script Copy and paste content of Lync.Common.psm1 script
Validation Script Copy and paste content of ValidationScript-Lync.ps1 script
Schema Script Copy and paste content of SchemaScript-Lync.ps1 script
Additional Config Parameter Names SipAddressType,SipDomain,ForceMove,UserPages, OrganizationalUnitPages,PreferredDomainControllerFQDN, LastRunDateTimeOffsetMinutes
Additional Encrypted Config Parameter Names -

Lync Connector - Connectivity

Lync Connector - Connectivity

Lync Connector - Connectivity

  • On the Capabilities page, specify the following details:
Settings Configuration
Distinguished Name Style Ldap
Export Type AttributeUpdate
Data Normalization None
Object Confirmation NoAddAndDeleteConfirmation
Use DN As Anchor (Only LDAP style DN) Unchecked
Concurrent Operations Of Several Connectors Checked
Partitions (Only LDAP style DN) Checked
Hierarchy (Only LDAP style DN) Checked
Enable Import Checked
Enable Delta Import Checked 
Enable Export Checked
Enable Full Export Unchecked
No Reference Values In First Export Pass Checked
Enable Object Rename Checked
Delete-Add As Replace Checked
Enable Password operations Unchecked
Enable Export Password In First Pass Unchecked

Lync Connector - Capabilities

Lync Connector - Capabilities

Note: Delta Import is based on the "WhenChanged" attribute which is neither replicated not indexed. Since it is not replicated, connector fetch all objects modified since T – LastRunDateTimeOffsetMinutes. The default value for LastRunDateTimeOffsetMinutes additional configuration parameter is 30 minutes. Even though the "WhenChanged" attribute is not indexed, it has been found to provides good performance gain during Delta Import.

Any deletion directly in Lync / AD will not be detected in Delta Import. A periodic Full import is needed to flush out any external deletes from the connector space. Another approach that may be adopted is that since this connector is meant to be used in conjunction with AD MA, the deletions detected in AD MA can be used to trigger deletions in this Connector as well.

  • On the Global Parameters page, specify the following details:
Settings Configuration
Partition Script Copy and paste content of PartitionScript-Lync.ps1 script
Hierarchy Script Copy and paste content of HierarchyScript-Lync.ps1 script
Begin Import Script Copy and paste content of Begin-ImportScript-Lync.ps1 script
Import Script Copy and paste content of ImportScript-Lync.ps1 script
End Import Script Copy and paste content of End-ImportScript-Lync.ps1 script
Begin Export Script Copy and paste content of Begin-ExportScript-Lync.ps1 script
Export Script Copy and paste content of ExportScript-Lync.ps1 script
End Export Script Copy and paste content of End-ExportScript-Lync.ps1 script
Begin Password Script -
Password Extension Script -
End Password Script -
SipAddressType_Global UserPrincipalName
SipDomain_Global -
ForceMove_Global Yes
UserPages_Global a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
OrganizationalUnitPages_Global Leave Blank
PreferredDomainControllerFQDN_Global Leave Blank OR specify the same list (comma separated) of Domain Controllers in the same order as used by AD MA to avoid AD replication delays if this is a single domain environment. For multiple domain setup, specify the domain controller list on the corresponding partition configuration.
LastRunDateTimeOffsetMinutes Leave Blank OR specify a value based on the estimated AD replication delays.

Lync Connector - Global Parameters

Lync Connector - Global Parameters

Lync Connector - Global Parameters

Lync Connector - Global Parameters

Note: The connector scripts will prioritize the most specific configuration and use it when provided. The configuration is prioritize the configuration value in the following descending order:

  1. RunStep
  2. Partition
  3. Global

As an example, the configuration value specified for PreferredDomainControllerFQDN_Partition will be used to connect to specified partition. If no value is specified for a partition, PreferredDomainControllerFQDN_Global will be used.

  • On the Configure Provisioning Hierarchy page, map DN Component Ou to Directory ObjectClass OrganizationalUnit:

Lync Connector - Configure Provisioning Hierarchy

  • On the Configure Partitions and Hierarchies page, select the directory partitions and containers where users are located:

Lync Connector - Configure Partitions and Hierarchies

Lync Connector - Configure Partitions and Hierarchies

  • On the Select Object Types page, select OrganizationalUnit and User:

Lync Connector - Select Object Types

  • On the Select Attributes page, select all attributes (of interest):

Lync Connector - Select Attributes

  • On the Configure Anchors page, click Next:

Lync Connector - Configure Anchors

  • From here on, rest of the pages of the wizard need to be configured as per your solution requirements.

  • Once the MA is configured, configure the MA Run Profiles for each domain partition in the connected forest.

Lync Provisioning

The Lync Connector uses Active Directory DN of the User objects as the "Identity" of the user in Lync. The Lync Connector also assumes that you already have the ADDS MA configured to provision users in the ADDS forest. The users need to exist in the ADDS forest first before the Lync connector can provision them in Lync.

Provisioning using Lync Connector requires, at the minimum, two attributes, DN and RegistrarPool. The third mandatory attribute SipAddress required by Lync can be auto-generated by Lync based on the settings of additional config parameters SipAddressType and SipDomain specified on the MA configuration.

Provisioning Using a Metaverse Rules Extension

If your provisioning implementation is based on a metaverse rules extension, the following code snippet shows a simplified example for this.

private static void ProvisionLyncUser(MVEntry mventry)
    const string AgentName = "Skype"; // TODO: Read the Management Agent name from a config file

    ConnectedMA managementAgent = mventry.ConnectedMAs[AgentName];

    int connectors = managementAgent.Connectors.Count;
    if (connectors == 0)
        CSEntry csentry = managementAgent.Connectors.StartNewConnector("User");

        csentry.DN = managementAgent.CreateDN(mventry["xActiveDirectoryDN"].StringValue);
        // set any additional mandatory attributes
        ////csentry["SipAddress"].StringValue = "sip:" + mventry["xSipAddress"].StringValue; // Let it auto-generate based on configuration options specified on MA.
        ////csentry["RegistrarPool"].StringValue = ""; // Advance export attribute flow is a better place to populate RegistrarPool attribute.

    else if (connectors == 1)
        CSEntry csentry = managementAgent.Connectors.ByIndex[0];

        csentry.DN = managementAgent.CreateDN(mventry["xActiveDirectoryDN"].StringValue);

    else if (connectors > 1)
        string error = "Multiple connectors on the management agent";
        throw new UnexpectedDataException(error);

Note: The above sample code assumes that you have extended the metaverse schema with an attribute xActiveDirectoryDN of type string (index) and configured an import flow for it on the AD MA so that the it gets populated from the DN value from AD.

Provisioning Using Declarative Provisioning

When you configure an outbound synchronization rule, you need to configure an initial flow for the DN attribute. You can define the Outbound System Scoping filter such that only the users confirmed to an Active Directory account are provisioned in Lync connector space. A sample OSR is demonstrated below:

Synchronization Rule: !Skype: Entitled Users OSR
Display Name !Skype: Entitled Users OSR
Data Flow Direction Outbound
Apply Rule Filter-based Outbound Synchronization
Metaverse Resource Type person
External System Skype
External System Resource Type User
Outbound System Scoping Filter Attribute Operator Value
xActiveDirectoryDN NOTEQUAL
Create Resource In External System True
Outbound Attribute Flow
Initial Flow Only Use as Existence Test Allow Null Flow(FIM Value => Destination Attribute)
True False False xActiveDirectoryDN → dn
False False False → RegistrarPool
False False False CustomExpression(IIF(Eq(xSkypeEntitlement,"Active"),"true","false" → Enabled

Note: The above sample code assumes that you have extended the metaverse schema with an attribute xActiveDirectoryDN of type string (index) and an attribute xSkypeEntitlement of type boolean. The xActiveDirectoryDN attrbute is configured an import flow for it on the AD MA so that the it gets populated from the DN value from AD.

Lync Connector Customization

SIP Address

If the connector space User object of Lync Connector does not have the "SipAddress" attribute populated, the Lync connector will instruct Lync Server to auto-generate the SIP address based on the data specified in the SipAddressType / SipDomain "Additional Config Parameter" configuration.

  • To have the SIP address auto-generated as the user's first name and a period followed by the user's last name and the SIP domain, use:
Additional Config Parameter Name Configuration
SipAddressType FirstLastName
  • To have the SIP address auto-generated as the user's email address, use:
Additional Config Parameter Name Configuration
SipAddressType EmailAddress
  • To have the SIP address auto-generated as the user's UPN, use:
Additional Config Parameter Name Configuration
SipAddressType UserPrincipalName
  • To have the SIP address auto-generated as the user's SamAccountName (logon name) use:
Additional Config Parameter Name Configuration
SipAddressType SamAccountName

Force Move

When you move a user to a new Registrar pool, you can choose what happens to the associated user data (such as conferences that the user has scheduled). By fault, both the account and the associated data are moved. To delete any associated data during move, use:

Additional Config Parameter Name Configuration
ForceMove Yes

Paging Filter

During Import Operation, the Lync Connector fetched user in batches based on the first character of their SIP address. All users starting their SIP address with character "a" are fetched first, then those with their SIP address with character "b", and so on.

If there are users starting their SIP address with any character other than a to z and 0 to 9, you can modify the "pages" array by specifying those additional characters in UserPages_Global configuration parameter.

You can also modify this parameter, if any of the pages return more than batch size defined on the Import Run Profile.

Preferred Domain Controller

The configuration parameter PreferredDomainControllerFQDN enables you to connect to the specified domain controller when running Lync cmdlets that support “DomainController” parameter. Specify the same list (comma separated) of Domain Controllers in the same order as used by AD MA to avoid AD replication delays. During every export run, the connector will go thru the preferred domain controller list and select the first online domain controller. If the list is not configured, the DC automatically used by the Lync cmdlets is the one what is close to the Lync server (and not FIM Synchronization server).