JavaScript library for embedding Power BI into your apps.
See the wiki for more details about embedding, service configuration, setting default page, page navigation, dynamically applying filters, and more.
See the code docs for detailed information about classes, interfaces, types, etc.
See the live demo for sample application using the powerbi-client library in scenarios such as page navigation, applying filters, updating settings, and more.
Install via Nuget:
Install-Package Microsoft.PowerBI.JavaScript -Pre
Install from NPM:
npm install -save powerbi-client
Install from Bower:
bower install powerbi-client --save
Installing beta versions:
npm install --save powerbi-client@beta
Ideally you would use module loader or compilation step to import using ES6 modules as:
import * as pbi from 'powerbi-client';
However, the library is exported as a Universal Module and the powerbi.js script can be included before your apps closing </body>
tag as:
<script src="/bower_components/powerbi-client/dist/powerbi.js"></script>
When included directly the library is exposd as a global named 'powerbi-client'.
There is also another global powerbi
which is an instance of the service.