STM32 library for displays that are based on ST7735 controller.
Repository includes library and project files, library is device independent and uses one SPI module and 3 GPIOs to control:
- Reset line
- CS line
- DC line
Project is built for STM32F103RE with the following settings:
- SPI1 for communication (only MOSI ans SCK needed - PB5 for MOSI signal, PB3 for SCK)
- PB7 (Reset)
- PC11 (CS)
- PB6 (DC)
Software tools:
- IDE: IAR Embedded Workbench
- STM32CubeMx
- HAL Driver
Despite the fact that HAL driver is used SPI part is written with manual registers handling because it significantly increases LCD rendering speed. A detailed description is available on my site - STM32 ST7735 library.