I like creative coding and have taken a fancy to producing tooling for it.
Library | Description |
Processing Geometry Suite | All things computational geometry |
PeasyGradients🚧 | Render 11 types of 2D gradient spectrums in 14 color spaces |
PThreading | A framework for multithreaded drawing in Processing |
PText🚧 | Vector-based geometric text manipulation |
processing-skia | Eases Skija (Skia for Java) interoperability with Processing |
ScrollMonitor🚧 | Aesthetic horizontally-scrolling line graph GUI element |
Spliner | Piecewise best-fit curves for Processing |
DistanceField🚧 | Distance fields for 2D shapes |
PMesh🚧 | Half-edge representation for mesh-like PShapes |
Library | Description |
JOpenVoronoi+ | An extended and improved jOpenVoronoi |
JMedialAxis🚧 | Computes and models medial axes of geometric shapes |
balaban-intersection | Balaban's algorithm for finding intersecting segment pairs from a set of line segments |
TrapMap | Trapezoidal Map — a data structure for fast point location queries |
Polygon Morphing | A solution to the Vertex Correspondence Problem in 2D Polygon Morphing |
Dubins-Curves | Path generation for the Dubin's car |
Hobby-Curves | John Hobby’s algorithm for producing a smooth curve through a given set of points |
Clipper2-Java | Java port of Clipper2, a Polygon Clipping and Offsetting Library |
BetterBeziers | High-precision utils for 2D Cubic Bezier Curves |
SRPG | Super Random Polygon Generator |
mqr-tree | The MQR-Tree spatial index |
Library | Description |
UniformNoise | Uniformly distributed Perlin noise |
jSimplex | Fast parallel calculation of simplex noise using the GPU |
H2SI | The H2SI Colour Space |
Various repo mirrors that are hosted as Maven dependencies from Github via Jitpack
Library | Author | Artifact |
Processing 3 | Processing | 3.5.4 |
Processing 4 | Processing | 4.3.3 |
controlP5 | controlP5 | 2.2.7-SNAPSHOT |
Handy | giCentre | 1.0.0 |
gicentreutils | giCentre | 1.0.0 |
HE_Mesh | wblut | 1.0.0 |
JMP Lib | University of Oviedo | 1.1.1 |
FixPointCS | XMunkki | 0.3 |
AULib | Andrew Glassner | 2.2.1 |