Kubernetes Operator that maintains resources in Pingdom.
An operator that monitors CRDs and creates, updates or deletes resources in Pingdom (currently checks) to ensure they match the specification.
- support for check resources β
- supports
parameters - supports pausing/un-pausing
- supports
- support for HTTP, TCP, Ping, SMTP, POP3 and IMAP check types with common parameters
- per-resource credentials (allows maintaining multiple Pingdom accounts from a single Kubernetes installation)
Built with the help of Kubebuilder framework.
With kubectl
configured and authenticated to run against your Kubernetes
make install deploy
Assuming you run this in a tree with a tagged commit or any commit on master checked out, it will install the CRDs and then deploy the operator controller application.
Container images are built automatically by the CI Pipeline
in GitLab for every commit, and published to a registry, with image
tags matching the format PROJECT/BRANCH:COMMIT_ID_OR_TAG
The deploy
target in Makefile will infer the correct image tag for current
commit, update the manifests and apply them using kubectl apply
. This can be
used to easily deploy any commit that's already been built by CI by simply
checking it out locally and running make deploy
Finally to deploy a local-only commit (e.g. in development) you need to build the image, push it to a registry and then deploy, like so:
make docker-build docker-push deploy
# you can also override the tag, e.g. to use a different registry
make IMG=docker.io/user/pingdom-operator:latest docker-build docker-push deploy
Once the CRD is installed (with make install
) you can deploy Pingdom checks.
First thing you'll need is a secret with Pingdom API credentials, e.g.:
kubectl create secret generic my-pd-secret \
--from-literal=username=PINGDOM_USER \
Or create a YAML manifest and apply it.
Then there are sample manifests in config/samples/ directory for different types of checks, which you will need to modify to point to your secret and then you can apply them with:
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/observability_v1alpha1_check_http.yaml
check.observability.pingdom.mig4.gitlab.io/sample-1 created
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/observability_v1alpha1_check_ping.yaml
check.observability.pingdom.mig4.gitlab.io/sample-2 created
If the controller manager is running you should then see it pick up the resource and create a check on Pingdom. See a list of checks:
$ kubectl get checks
sample-1 5399365 http up wtfismyip.com
sample-2 5401834 ping down error-service.io
To remove all resources created by make deploy
run make destroy
which will
run kubectl delete
on the default manifests.
See known issues on GitLab (or GitHub), if you found one that's not on the list or have a suggestion for improvement, open a new issue. If you can, fork and send an MR/PR, it will be appreciated π.
will generate code and compile a binary in ./bin/manager
. Then
make install
will generate the manifests and install them to a Kubernetes
cluster (needs kubectl
configured correctly).
You can then run the manager locally, just ./bin/manager
or make run
Run tests with make test
or make gtest
Ginkgo runner).