An easy to use Emoji keyboard for iOS.
Has been rewritten with swift, the old Objective-C version on branch oc.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- Swift3
- iOS8+
- Xcode8
# Swift
pod 'ISEmojiView'
# Objective-C
pod 'ISEmojiView', '0.0.1'
github "isaced/ISEmojiView"
import ISEmojiView
let emojiView = ISEmojiView()
emojiView.delegate = self
textView.inputView = emojiView
Implement <ISEmojiViewDelegate>
// callback when tap a emoji on keyboard
func emojiViewDidSelectEmoji(emojiView: ISEmojiView, emoji: String) {
// callback when tap delete button on keyboard
func emojiViewDidPressDeleteButton(emojiView: ISEmojiView) {
You can load emojis from file or other, load them in initialization.
let emojiView = ISEmojiView(emojis: [[String]])
// long press to pop preview effect like iOS10 system emoji keyboard, Default is true
public var isShowPopPreview = true
If you are looking for a React Native solution, take a look at this brendan-rius/react-native-emoji-keyboard