- Mainnet: [WIP]
- Ropsten: [WIP]
- Polygon: [WIP]
- Mumbai: [WIP]
yarn install
yarn prepare:${NETWORK} (mainnet, ropsten)
- [ handle ethereum vs polygon ABI, mappings ]
- Compiles subgraph.yaml from subgraph.template.yaml
- Generates types from schema.graphql
First you will need to authenticate with the proper deploy key for the given network. Or you can create your own Subgraph and deploy key for testing:
graph auth --studio ${GRAPH_API_KEY}
# or
graph auth --hosted-servce ${GRAPH_API_KEY}
If you are deploying one of the official 0xSplits subgraphs:
yarn deploy:${NETWORK}
If you are deploying your own for testing:
graph deploy --node https://api.studio.thegraph.com/deploy/${PROJECT}
To check health of a deployed subgraph:
curl -X POST -d '{ "query": "{indexingStatuses(subgraphs: [\"<deployment-id>\"]) {synced health fatalError {message block { number } handler } subgraph chains { chainHeadBlock { number } latestBlock { number }}}}"}' https://api.thegraph.com/index-node/graphql