School project for course Modelling of Digital Circuits
The NES’s CPU is a Ricoh 2A03, which is based on the popular 8-bit MOS Technology 6502 and runs at 1.79 MHz. [1]
- Accumulator (A)
- Indexes
- X
- Y
- Program Counter (PC)
- Stack Pointer (SP)
- Status Register (P)
- N negative flag
- V overflow
- unused
- B break
- D decimal
- I interrupt
- Z zero
- C carry
- Zero page indexed
- Absolute indexed
- Indexed indirect
- Indirect indexed
Address range | Size | Device |
$0000–$07FF | $0800 | 2 KB internal RAM |
$0800–$0FFF | $0800 | Mirrors of $0000–$07FF |
$1000–$17FF | $0800 | Mirrors of $0000–$07FF |
$1800–$1FFF | $0800 | Mirrors of $0000–$07FF |
$2000–$2007 | $0008 | NES PPU registers |
$2008–$3FFF | $1FF8 | Mirrors of $2000–$2007 (repeats every 8 bytes) |
$4000–$4017 | $0018 | NES APU and I/O registers |
$4018–$401F | $0008 | APU and I/O functionality that is normally disabled. |
$4020–$FFFF | $BFE0 | Unmapped. Available for cartridge use. |
$6000–$7FFF | $BFE0 | Usually cartridge RAM, when present. |
$8000–$FFFF | $8000 | Usually cartridge ROM and mapper registers. |
Instruction | Description |
ADC | add with carry |
AND | and (with accumulator) |
ASL | arithmetic shift left |
BCC | branch on carry clear |
BCS | branch on carry set |
BEQ | branch on equal (zero set) |
BIT | bit test |
BMI | branch on minus (negative set) |
BNE | branch on not equal (zero clear) |
BPL | branch on plus (negative clear) |
BRK | break / interrupt |
BVC | branch on overflow clear |
BVS | branch on overflow set |
CLC | clear carry |
CLD | clear decimal |
CLI | clear interrupt disable |
CLV | clear overflow |
CMP | compare (with accumulator) |
CPX | compare with X |
CPY | compare with Y |
DEC | decrement |
DEX | decrement X |
DEY | decrement Y |
EOR | exclusive or (with accumulator) |
INC | increment |
INX | increment X |
INY | increment Y |
JMP | jump |
JSR | jump subroutine |
LDA | load accumulator |
LDX | load X |
LDY | load Y |
LSR | logical shift right |
NOP | no operation |
ORA | or with accumulator |
PHA | push accumulator |
PHP | push processor status (SR) |
PLA | pull accumulator |
PLP | pull processor status (SR) |
ROL | rotate left |
ROR | rotate right |
RTI | return from interrupt |
RTS | return from subroutine |
SBC | subtract with carry |
SEC | set carry |
SED | set decimal |
SEI | set interrupt disable |
STA | store accumulator |
STX | store X |
STY | store Y |
TAX | transfer accumulator to X |
TAY | transfer accumulator to Y |
TSX | transfer stack pointer to X |
TXA | transfer X to accumulator |
TXS | transfer X to stack pointer |
TYA | transfer Y to accumulator |